Soundmate 3 2 1 – Soundcloud Desktop Client

SoundMate is built on to of the same SoundCloud website, you already know and it is easy to use. No more 'trying to find in which tab is SoundCloud running Close the window and your music keeps playing in the background. Below you will find a short description of the features from the SoundMate 3: Satellite / fullrange switch (1) This switch allows you to use the Soundmate 3 topcabinet in 2 different modes. Either as a topcabinet for use in small venues or rehearsel rooms, or in combination with the Soundmate 3 bass cabinets for more powerfull sound. 77 free soundcloud plays. It was initially added to our database on. We can get you up to a 100,000 downloads in a few days. SoundCloud is the #1 place for artists to share music with the world and connect with fans. The DAP SoundMate Active MKII systems are expanding in a unstoppable manner. In addition to the already existing SoundMate Active 1 & 2 MKII, we present to you the SoundMate Active 3 MKII! Every day more users find their way to these amazing active soundsystems, which are powerful, versatile and last but not least affordable!

The SDKs will make it easier to access the SoundCloud API on your frameworkof choice. We officially provide and support Ruby, Python and JavaScript.All other SDKs are supported by third-party developers.

SoundMate 3.3.3 – SoundCloud desktop client. K'ed Music SoundMate. With SoundMate You can using Apple Media Keys to control SoundCloud Play.You can binding Apple media keys to.

We welcome contributions to the open source projects so imagine how happywe'd be if you submit an SDK of your own for any additional language.

JavaScript SDK

The JavaScript SDK lets you easily integrate SoundCloud into your website or webapp.

In this section:

Basic Use

To start using the SDK just add this script to your HTML and initialize the client with your own client_id and optionally your redirect_uri in case you want to use authentication:

You can also install the SDK via NPM now: npm install soundcloud.

Once that's done you are all set and ready to use the SoundCloud API. For example getting a user's latest track:

The JavaScript SDK is open source and can be found on Github. If you are looking for example applications, have a look at the examples on this page.


To use the authentication you have to host a callback.html file on your server and set it as the redirect_uri in your app settings and when initializing the SDK. This callback.html file needs to contain just a few lines:

You initiate the connect flow by calling SC.connect(). Once your users are authenticated and authorized, your app is allowed to use the HTTP methods, SC.put and SC.delete to create comments, liking a track or updating user profiles. The following example shows how to follow a user, after connecting the current user:

Relevant methods: SC.connect,, SC.put, SC.delete


The SDK provides easy access to all HTTP endpoints through the SC.get,, SC.put and SC.delete methods.

For a list of available endpoints, check the HTTP API Reference.


Streaming sounds from the SDK is powered by the same player that is also used on to ensure the best playback experience.

The player has all basic methods to control the playback flow like play(), seek(), pause(), setVolume(), etc.

Relevant methods:


The SDK uses getUserMedia, Web Workers and the Web Audio API to record from a user's computer, so make sure to check if the user's browser supports all of it (1, 2, 3) before you start recording. This example will record 5 seconds and play it back right away:

In addition to recording from the user's computer, the SDK also supports recording from an arbitrary AudioNode by passing it to the Recorder's constructor. Check out the documentation and the examples for more information.

Relevant methods: SC.Recorder


You can upload recordings and files using the SDK's SC.upload method. This method requires the user's browser to support FormData (supported in all modern browsers and IE10+, 1).

Uploads can take a while and it makes sense to inform the user about the progress. For this reason, SC.upload returns the original request as well so that you can calculate the progress yourself.

Relevant methods: SC.upload


The SC.oEmbed function is a wrapper for the SoundCloud oEmbed endpoint.

It takes the URL you want to embed as an argument, and an optional options object that can contain an element that should be replaced by the embed code. All of the options object's properties will be passed as parameters to the oEmbed endpoint. For example maxwidth, maxheight, or auto_play. The options are described in detail in the oEmbed documentation.


Relevant methods: SC.oEmbed


If you want to check out more SDK usage examples, head over to the HTTP API Guide. It shows how to use API methods in all available SDKs.

An example of an application that is using a combination of several SDK methods can be found on Github. It records a user's microphone and uploads it together with an artwork that is generated from the user's webcam. (no Flash required!)


The SDK uses Promises for most of its methods. They provide a way to easily compose API calls and offer a sane way to handle the various errors that can occur.

Promises can be chained by using their then() method and errors can be handled in a catch() handler. If you are new to Promises, check out this introductory blog artice on HTML5 rocks:

In order to conform with the ES6 standard, the SDK uses es6-promise which shims the Promise object on systems where it is not available. We also expose the library via SC.Promise, so that you can use methods like Promise.all or Promise.race even if your user's browser is not supporting Promises yet.

Relevant methods: SC.Promise

API Documentation


Initializes the SDK.

Soundmate 3 2 1 – Soundcloud Desktop Client


  • options (Object):
    • client_id: You application's client id
    • redirect_uri (optional): Only needed if you want to authenticate users
    • oauth_token (optional): If you want to reuse an access token


Initiate the OAuth2 connect flow.


  • options (Object, optional):
    • client_id: override the before set client id.
    • redirect_uri: the redirect URI as defined in your app settings.
    • scope: additional OAuth2 scopes (default: '*')

Returns:A promise that will resolve with a session data object

SC.get(path, [params])

Execute a GET request.


  • path (String): the path to the requested resource e.g. '/users/183'
  • params (Object, optional): an object of additional parameters to pass in the request.

Returns:A promise that will resolve with the requested resource, [params])

Execute a POST request.


  • path (String): the path to the requested resource e.g. '/me/followings'
  • params (Object / FormData, optional): an object of additional parameters to pass in the request body.

Returns:A promise that will resolve with the requested resource

SC.put(path, [params])

Execute a PUT request.


  • path (String): the path to the requested resource e.g. '/me'
  • params (Object / FormData, optional): an object of additional parameters to pass in the request body.

Returns:A promise that will resolve with the requested resource


Execute a DELETE request.


  • path (String): the path to the requested resource

Returns:A promise that will resolve when the resource has been deleted


Uploads a file or a recording to SoundCloud


  • options (Object):
    • file (Blob): a Blob of the file or the recording (see recorder.getWAV()).
    • title (String): a title for the recording.
    • progress (Function): a progress callback.
    • It also accepts all other params for upload requests, such as artwork_data or sharing (see HTTP API Reference for a full list).

Returns:A promise that will resolve when the resource has been uploaded. It also contains a reference to the original request (see Uploading)


Resolves a SoundCloud URL to a JSON representation of the requested resource


  • url (String): a URL to a track, playlist or user on SoundCloud.

Returns:A promise that will resolve with a JSON object

SC.oEmbed(url, [params])

Will lookup the embed code for the passed URL (track, set or user) using oEmbed


  • url (String): a URL to a track, set or user on SoundCloud.
  • params (Object, optional): additional parameters for oEmbed. See oEmbed docs. In addition to that, it accepts an element property that will replace the HTML element with the widget.

Returns:A promise that will resolve with the oEmbed info for the resource, [secretToken])

Creates a player for this stream


  • trackPath (String): the path of the track to be streamed e.g. /tracks/293
  • secretToken (String, optional): a secret token for the track

Returns: A promise that will resolve with a player for the track


The constructor function which returns an instance of the Web Audio Recorder (has to be called with new)


  • options (Object, optional):
    • context: You can pass an AudioContext if you want to reuse it
    • source: Pass a source if you want to record from an AudioNode


Starts recording from the user's computer or the source that was passed into the constructor

Requires the Web Audio API, Web Workers and getUserMedia to be available in the user's browser


Stops the current recording

Plays back what was just recorded

Returns:The AudioNode that is used to play the sound


Returns:A promise that resolves with a WAV Blob of the current recording


Returns:A promise that resolves with an AudioBuffer of the current recording


Downloads the recorded WAV to the user's computer


  • filename (String): The desired name of the file


Stops and deletes the recording


The promise prototype that is used in the SDK internally (es6-promise). Use it to create your own promises or to use methods like Promise.all or Promise.race.

Player (methods & events)


You can use the methods below to control the player that is returned from

  • play(): Starts to play the sound. Returns a Promise that resolves when playback starts, and may reject if the browser refuses playback.
  • pause(): Pauses the player
  • seek(time): Seeks to the position in the song (in milliseconds). Returns a Promise that resolves when the seek completes, or may reject if the seek is not possible.
  • currentTime(): Returns the current position (in milliseconds)
  • setVolume(volume): Sets the volume (from 0 to 1)
  • getVolume(): Returns the current volume
  • getDuration(): Returns the duration (in milliseconds)
  • isBuffering(): Returns true whilst the player is buffering
  • isPlaying(): Returns true whilst the intended state is to be playing. This flips with play() and pause() calls.
  • isActuallyPlaying(): Returns true whilst the player is actually playing
  • hasErrored(): Returns true if the player is dead because of an error
  • isDead(): Returns true if the player is dead
  • getState(): Returns 'playing', 'paused', 'loading', 'ended', 'error' or 'dead'
  • kill(): Kill the player. Call this when you do not need it anymore.
  • on(event, handler): Subscribes the handler to the given event


You can subscribe to the events below by using the player's on(event, handler) method.

  • state-change: when audio controller changes state (e.g. from pause to play). Possible values: 'playing', 'paused', 'loading', 'ended', 'error' or 'dead'
  • play: when play method is called
  • play-start: when playback actually starts, the first time
  • play-resume: when playback starts, the second time onwards
  • play-rejection: if a play request is rejected by the browser
  • pause: when playback is paused
  • finish: when sound is finished
  • seek: when seek method is called
  • seeked: when a seek completes
  • seek-rejection: when a seek is rejected for some reason
  • geo_blocked: when there's no available streams for a sound, as it is not allowed to be played in the user's territory.
  • buffering_start: when buffering starts
  • buffering_end: when buffering stops
  • audio_error: when an error occurs
  • time: when playback position is updated
  • no_streams: when we failed fetching stream information
  • no_protocol: when no supported protocol could be found
  • no_connection: when we failed to connect to an endpoint due to missing transport or request timeout
Latest version


Python Soundcloud API

Project description

This is a Soundcloud API library that doesn't require a client ID to function. It's basic, it can really only fetch tracks and playlists, but doesn't require the user to go through the soundcloud app approval process.

Now works again! Soundcloud please stop changing how your site works :)

I once applied for API access and was approved. I used this access for months until it was revoked for some reason and all my emails and new applications were ignored. I decided to create a library that allows me to do Soundcloud API stuff without an approved application.

  • Supports asyncio
  • Does not require a client ID
  • Fetches and writes mp3 metadata (Album artist, title, artwork)
  • Can fetch entire playlists of tracks

This library is installable as a pip package.

This library uses programming and algorithms to find a client ID that can be used to access the Soundcloud API.

Saving an mp3 to a file.

This will write the ID3 tags for album artist, track title AND will embed the album artwork into the mp3.

Fetch a playlist

Asyncio Support

Fetch a playlist

Write Album Name or Track Number

This library cannot download tracks that are not marked 'Downloadable'.

'Downloadable' tracks have an MP3 representation while non-'Downloadable' ones only have HLS representations. I would like to add HLS assembly to this library in the future.

Please report any and all bugs using the issues tab.

Feel free to request new features too.

Sure, submit a pull request.

Release historyRelease notifications RSS feed




Soundmate 3 2 1 – Soundcloud Desktop Client Installer













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Soundmate 3 2 1 – Soundcloud Desktop Client Windows 10


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