Texpad 1 7 26 – Latex Editor
Half Life GameSyntax configuration definitions for Half-Life game.
Contributed by Marc O'Morain, 29 April 2002.
HARBOURSyntax definitions for xHarbour(extended Harbour). Harbour is the free software implementation of a multi-platform, multi-threading, object-oriented, scriptable programming language, backward compatible with Clipper/xBase.
Contributed by Olympio Carvalho, 6 May 2015.
HARTSyntax definitions for HART DDL. The HART Device Description Language as soon to be ratified standard for writing device descriptions in the process control/measurement industry.
Contributed by Dave Ferreira, 1 September 2003.
HARTSyntax definitions for HART DDL. The HART Device Description Language.
Contributed by Bret G. MacArthur, 17 January 2008.
HaskellSyntax definitions for Haskell
Contributed by Duncan Coutts
HaskellSyntax highlighting for www.haskell.org/, a purely functional programming language. Includes all Haskell98-prelude functions. Datatypes and -classes in separate groups.
Contributed by: Jeroen van Wolffelaar Arjan van IJzerdoorn, 28 November 2000
HLSLSyntax highlighting for HLSL, the High Level Shader language for DirectX. It contains the intrinsic functions and basic types and keywords.
Contributed by: Matt Spear, 8 June 2005.
HolosSyntax definitions for Seagate Software's Holos ( OLAP language ).
Contributed by Thomas J. Azavedo, 27 June 2000
HP48/49Syntax definition file for HP48/49 SysRpl programming language.
Contributed by Pieter Kuyck, 20 August 2002.
HP-UXSyntax definition file for HP UX 10.x / Other Standard UNIX Commands and Shells (Borne,C,Korn).
Contributed by Desmond Lim,Philippines, March 13, 2005.
HSPascalSyntax definition file for HSPascal. It is a compilation of all (?) the reserved words, constants and types from the HSPascal Units 'declaration' part.
Contributed by Pierre, 2 May 2003.
HTMLSyntax definitions for html which adds an XSL namespace.This is an updated version of the file which is shipped with TextPad.
Contributed by Ollie Rutherfurd
HTMLSyntax definitions, based on existing add-ons, with additional keywords for JSP v1.2, Struts1.1.0,jdk1.4,html4.0,and Javascript1.2.
Contributed by Yaman Kumar, 18 July 2003.
HTML ValidatorSyntax definitions for CSE HTML Validator (Command Results window).
Contributed by Veselin Ostojin, 27 October 2002.
IAR A90Syntax highlighting for IAR A90 assembler for Atmel AVR series
Contributed by Michael Stumpf, 2 December 1999
IBASICSyntax highlighting for for IBasic. IBasic is similar to the Visual Basic programming language. www.pyxia.com/
Contributed by Joel Dare, 29 April 2002.
IBM Tivoli Intelligent OrchestratorTextPad syntax definitions for IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator workflow files.
Contributed by Sasha Dolgy, 2 November 2006.
IBM 370TextPad syntax definitions for IBM 370 Assembly Language.
Contributed by Jeffrey Stovall, 13 March 2000
IBM z-SeriesTextPad syntax definition file for the IBM z-Series mainframe computer architecture, which evolved from the older S/360, S/370, and S/390 architectures.
Contributed by Maroth de Marothy, 3 November 2004.
IconSyntax definitions for the Icon programming language.
Contributed by Stuart N. Bonham
IDLSyntax definitions for Microsoft's IDL language. Very useful for building typelibs outside Visual Studio.
Contributed by Klaus H. Probst, 19 September 2000
IDLSyntax definitions for IDL language.
Contributed by Stamatis Karnouskos, 19 September 2000
IDLSyntax definitions for standard OMG IDL.
Contributed by Joe Kearns, 15 January 2001
IDLSyntax definitions for CORBA IDL.
Contributed by Rich Herrick, 28 July 2003
IDLSyntax definitions for RSI's IDL, Interactive Data Language.
Contributed by Bram Cramer, 25 March 2005.
IECIEC 61131-3 PLC standard syntax definitions.
Contributed by Julian.deMarchi, 25 May 2005.
IncaASPSyntax definitions for IncaASP. It has IIS5 / ASP3.
Contributed by Jesse Roberge, 15 March 2001
IncaSQL Syntax definitions for IncaSQL. A merger of SQL (Server 7.0) / sqlservertransact.zip and T-SQL 7.0 / tsql70.zip and some new stuff.
Contributed by Jesse Roberge, 15 March 2001
InformSyntax definitions for Inform, the interactive fiction programming language.
Contributed by Delilah Murray, 17 May 2000
InformSyntax definitions for Inform, adding in numerous library routines, variables and regrouping library actions etc.
Contributed by Delilah Murray, Updated by Petar Kanuritch 15 March 2001
InformixSyntax definitions for Informix 4GL.
Contributed by Gregory Prentice, 22 January 2002
INISyntax definitions for INI files.
Contributed by Ali Pouladi, 28 April 2002
InnoSetup scriptsSyntax definitions for InnoSetup scripts.
Contributed by Frank Oswald, 6 November 2002.
InnoSetup5 scriptsSyntax definitions for InnoSetup scripts, version 5. It is based on the one contributed by Frank Oswald.
Contributed by Barry Everett, 22 Feruary 2008.
Insight/TridentSyntax file for the insight/trident script, which is a scripting language interacting with SABRE main frame.
Contributed by Shaobin Zhu, 19 April 2002
InstallShieldSyntax definitions for InstallShield, with supported words for versions 6 and 7 .
Contributed by Bron Davies, 4 March 2003.
Install ShieldSyntax definitions for Install Shield script files (*.rul).
Contributed by David Sansom
Install ShieldSyntax definitions for Install Shield script files (*.rul).
Contributed by Bruce DeFrang, 30 October, 2002.
IntercalSyntax definitions for Tri-INTERCAL (or any n-INTERCAL).
Contributed by Scott Nickell 14 December, 2001.
Intermediate LanguageSyntax definitions for Microsoft .Net Intermediate Language (Common Language Infrastructure) format as generated by ILDASM..
Contributed by Robin Debreuil, 18 March 2005.
InTouchSyntax definitions for the script code of the InTouch visualisation, from wonderware.
Contributed by Matthias Gleichmann HEP, 20 October 2005.
iOpusSyntax definitions syntax definition for the Internet Macros language, also known as iOpus and iMacros.
Contributed by Brian Cole, 30 November 2010.
IpchainsSyntax definitions for Ipchains Linux firewalling software.
Contributed by Jason Horner, 10 May 2000
ISPFSyntax definitions for ISPF File Tailoring Skeletons.
Contributed by R.S.McDougall, 8 February 2001
IVTSyntax definitions for scripts used with the IVT telnet client.
Contributed by Alex Angelopoulos, 19 October 2001.
JCLSyntax definitions for JCL/PROC.
Contributed by Pranab Sandhibigraha
JCLSyntax definitions for MVS JCL/PROC.
Contributed by R.S.McDougall, 8 February 2001
JCLSyntax definitions for IBM Job control language (JCL) files.
Contributed by Debottam Bhattacharya, 26 July 2009.
JDOSyntax definitions for Java JDO 1.0.
Contributed by Paul Hinds, 1 June 2004.
JDOSyntax definitions for Kodo Mapping Files (*.jdo).
Contributed by Paul Hinds, 1 June 2004.
JESSTextPad syntax definitions for JESS (Java Expert System Shell)
Contributed by Peter Hanson (rexsalius@yahoo.com) 19 August 2001
JessTabA JessTab (protege plug-in) syntax file which is useful for clips as well. Assembled from the Jess one.
Contributed by Fred Freitas, 20 January 2006.
JHTMLSyntax definitions for JHTML (earlier version of JSP).This is an updated version of the file which is shipped with TextPad.
Contributed by Sameer Tyagi
JHTMLSyntax definitions for JHTML with additions for ATG Dynamo.
Contributed by Jeffrey H. Kobos, 19 October 2000
JILSyntax definitions for Autosys Jil scripts.
Contributed by Kerry Haddock, 9 May 2002.
JNLPSyntax file for writing Java Network Language Protocol (JNLP) XML files.JNLP files are used to configure Java WebStart applications: java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/
Contributed by David Lewis, 29 April 2002.
JPSoft 4nt/TC v8Syntax file for JPSoft newest release of 4nt/TC v8.
Contributed by Michael Applebee, 21 September 2006.
JSPSyntax definitions for Java Server Pages.
Contributed by Sameer Tyagi
JSPSyntax definitions for Java Server Pages. Combining highlighting for HTML, JSP, and Java2.
Contributed by www.datdec.com
JSPSyntax definitions for Java Server Pages with keywords for HTML.
Contributed by Frank Merenda, 4 May 2000
JSPJSP 1.1 syntax. JSP directives are separated. Based on Sun JSP 1.1 Specification. Contains the Enterprise Classes which is used for EJB.
Contributed by Alex Savitsky, 7 December 2000
JSPJSP syntax includes updated commenting, other java relevant stuff, C syntax highlighting, html keywords in both cases (upper, lower) (because java is case sensitive).
Contributed by Andrew Drake , 7 September 2001
JSPSyntax definition file based on JSP5, with additional keywords for JSP v1.2
Contributed by Casey Winans , 22 January 2002
JSPSyntax definition file for jsp files - it is basically the java syntax definition file with the keywords of the HTML file added, and the case sensitive option set to 'no'.
Contributed by Dickon Field , 15 May 2002.
JSPSyntax definition file that supports JSP, Javascript and HTML.
Contributed by Danny Dion, 3 October 2003.
JSP Web.xmlThis syn file includes all the keywords for the web.xml fields dtd for JSP and Servlets.
Contributed by Mark Spritzler , 27 March 2002
JAMSyntax definitions for JYACC JAM.
Contributed by Rick Lee, 16 May 2000
Java CUP grammarsSyntax definition for Java CUP grammars
Contributed by Mirko Seifert 23 June 2001
Java 1.6Syntax definitions for Sun JDK 1.6 update 12.
Contributed by Wispmac Shah, 13 March 2009.
Java 1.3.1Syntax definition file for java1_3_1.
Contributed by Vijay R. Aravamudhan, 18 December 2001
Java 2 JDK 1.4.0Syntax definitions for Java 2 JDK 1.4.0.
Contributed by Suresh Adusumilli, 1 October 2001
JavaSyntax definitions for Java.
Contributed by Leonard Wolters
Java 1.3Syntax definitions for for JDK version 1.3.
Contributed by Wispmac Shah, 3 November 2000
Java 2Syntax definitions for Java 2 with more than 1,000 new classes, a new section for the names of all java packages and another syntax for comments.
Contributed by Trang Le
Java 2Syntax definitions for Java 2.
Contributed by Mike Piff, 19 April 2000
Java 2Java 2 (Sun JDK 1.3) syntax definitions. Enterprise Edition classes are separated. java.lang classes included with keywords.
Contributed by Alex Savitsky, 7 December 2000
JavaCCSyntax definitions for JavaCC.
Contributed by Brian Zimmer, 24 May 2000
JavaFXSyntax definitions for JavaFX, where Keywords 1 comprises all JavaFX keywords, and Keywords 2 lists all class names found in the source for JavaFX 1.0.
Contributed by Erik Dybdahl, 26 February 2009
Java JVM runtimeSyntax definitions for reading Java JVM runtime profiling dumps.
Contributed by Natraj Gujran, 1 December 2003.
Java PropertiesSyntax definitions for Java Properties files.
Contributed by Brent Quinlan, 6 March 2003.
JScriptSyntax definitions for JScript.
Contributed by Daniel Opitz, 22 January 2002
JavaScriptSyntax definitions for MS JScript.NET, including MS DHTML methods, properties, collections etc.
Contributed by Tim Pelling, 28 April 2002.
JavaScriptSyntax definitions for Hyperwave JavaScript.
Contributed by Martin Jenewein 19 October 2001.
JavaScriptSyntax definitions for JavaScript.
Contributed by Harry H. Hitzeman
JavaScriptAlternative syntax definitions for JavaScript.
Contributed by Scott Scecina, 7 September 2000
JavaScriptJavaScript 1.2 syntax definitions based on Netscape JavaScript Reference.
Contributed by Alex Savitsky, 7 December 2000
JavaScriptTextPad syntax definitions for Javascript.
Contributed by Shibu Pillai, 22 January 2002
JavaScriptFull syntax definitions for JavaScript 1.5 (including old Netscape stuff) and MS JScript 5.6.
Contributed by Steve Vachon, 24 September 2003
JavaScriptA more comprehensive Javascript syntax definition that covers recent developments Javascript 1.8.5, JScript, deprecated methods, reserved words, up-to-date DOM methods, CSS properties in Javascript, new additions like XMLHttpRequest level 2 and more.
Contributed by Benjamin Penney, 20 May 2011.
JavaScript HTMLSyntax definitions for JavaScript and HTML.
Contributed by Oliver Albrecht, 28 November 2000
JavaScript HTMLSyntax definitions for JavaScript and HTML. This is an updated version of Oliver Albrecht’s JavaScript HTML Syntax definition. HTML is not case sensitive so this updated version adds all Uppercase tags.
Contributed by Robert L. Murphy, 13 May 2002.
JavaScript HTMLSyntax definitions for JavaScript and HTML. It adds support for html tags written in capitals.
Contributed by Tom Bassford, 12 December 2002.
Java (Tiger/J2SE 5.0)Syntax definitions for Java (Tiger/J2SE 5.0).
Contributed by Jagathish Poornalingam, 10 May 2005.
JESSHere is a simple syntax file for Jess (the java expert system)
Contributed by Peter Hanson, 19 August 2001
JAXBSyntax definition file for the JAXB java binding schema for 1.0 Early Access release.
Contributed by Peter Hanson, 19 August 2001.
JudoScriptSyntax definition file for JudoScript v0.8. www.judoscript.com
Contributed by John Petrie, 3 March 2003.
JudoScriptSyntax definition file for JudoScript v0.9, a general-purpose, Java scripting and multi-domain language.
Contributed by John Petrie, 27 May 2005.
KixTartKiXtart command reference and Syntax definitions for 2001 4.10 build 84 release
Contributed by MCA, 1 May 2002.
KixTartKixTart command reference and Syntax definitions for 2001 RC 1 release
Contributed by MCA, 16 July 2001.
KixTart 2001 Beta2Syntax definitions for KixTart 2001 Beta2.
Contributed by Chris Matheson 3 May 2001
KixTart Beta2Syntax definitions for KixTart 2001 Beta2.
Contributed by Chris Matheson 3 May 2001
KixTartSyntax definitions for KixTart.
Contributed by Dave Brookes
KixTartSyntax definitions for KixTart 3.6.
Contributed by Dave Brookes, Updated by Marcus Lerch
KixTartSyntax definitions for KixTart 2001.
Contributed by cj
KixTartSyntax definitions for KixTart 2001 Beta
Contributed by Martin Holkamp, 25 April 2001.
KixTartUpdated syntax definitions for KixTart 2001
Contributed by Martin Holkamp, 14 December 2001.
KixTartKixTart command reference and Syntax definitions for 2001 4.01 release.
Contributed by MCA, 14 December 2001.
KixTartSyntax definitions for KiXtart 2010 4.61.
Contributed by David Stein, 7 January 2009.
KBESyntax definition for Knowledge Fusion KBE language, a high-lever language within Unigraphics, which is a high-end CAD/CAM system.
Contributed by Dave Wilkinson, 2 November 2000, Updated 7 July 2004.
KELSyntax definition file for KEL (Knowledge Engineering Language for the LexisNexis HPCC System.)
Contributed by Wrobel, Allan Francis (RIS-MRM), 1 October 2018.
KMLA syntax definition file for KML format (keyhole markup language). It includes the regular expressions used to check the entries from the kml documentation. It is based on www.keyhole.com/kml/kml_doc.html
Contributed by Reggie Thomson, 28 September 2005.
KMLA syntax definition file for kml files, used for locating places on Google Earth, for example. More info on www.keyhole.com/kml/kml_doc.html
Contributed by William Zoaeter, 10 September 2005.
KMLA syntax definition file for kml files, used for locating places on Google Earth, for example. www.earth.google.com/kml
Contributed by Mario Vandermeersch, 27 July 2006.
Korn shellSyntax definitions for Korn shell scripts.
Contributed by Mike Hazelwood
KyoceraSyntax file for Kyocera Prescribe II printer commands.
Contributed by Jim McNeill, 7 November 2003.
LDIFSyntax definitions for LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format).
Contributed by Tony Headford, 28 April 2002.
LDIFSyntax definitions for LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format).
Contributed by Ramesh C Babu, 19 March 2001.
LPC mudsSyntax definitions for LPC muds (the CD codebase).
Contributed by Lucius Kane, 21 July 2000
LaTexSyntax definitions for LaTex.
Contributed by Lars Gregersen
Legacy TeradyneSyntax definition file for the Legacy Teradyne L200 Test Language Source and PINMAP files.
Contributed by Joe Mikolaj 18 May 2016
LimboSyntax definitions for the Limbo language (the language for the Inferno operating system).
Contributed by Frank A. Smith, 7 September 2001
LingoSyntax definitions for Lingo, Macromedia Director 8.
Contributed by Jan Fex, 27 April 2000
Linden ScriptingSyntax definitions for the Linden Scripting Language (LSL) used in the online game Second Life by Linden Labs Inc.
Contributed by Matthias Huber, 23 September 2004.
Linden ScriptingAn updated version of the syntax definitions for the Linden Scripting Language (LSL) used in the online game Second Life by Linden Labs Inc. Includes all the functions up to version 1.12.0, with the deprecated functions in a separate keyword list.
Contributed by Ben Gray, 23 August 2006.
Linden ScriptingSyntax definitions for the Linden Scripting Language, a tool available to Second Life users.
Contributed by Sam Sieg, 7 January 2010.
Litestep 1Syntax definitions for Litestep.
Contributed by Peter k, 12 November 2002.
Litestep 2Syntax definitions for Litestep. Updated version to only handle single line comments.
Contributed by Adam Cath, 8 June 2004.
Log filesGeneric syntax for log files.
Contributed by Nathan Bubna 3 May 2001. Updated 20 July 2004.
Lotus NotesSyntax definitions for Lotus Notes formula language and for LotusScript.
Contributed by Peter Cahill
LotusScriptSyntax definitions for LotusScript 5. It is backward compatible with LotusScript 4 and 3.1.
Contributed by Page Nix 19 May 2003.
L3PSyntax definitions for L3P scholastic Language of programming.
Contributed by Matteo Brichese 5 March 2004.
LuaSyntax definitions for Lua scripting language.
Contributed by Lenny Palozzi and Andreas Rozek, 21 March 2005.
LuaSyntax definitions for Lua scripting language version 5.1. Original contribution by Lenny Palozzi and Andreas Rozek.
Updated by Simon Strange 20 September 2011.
LuaSyntax definitions for Lua scripting language version 5.1.Please see Readme.txt included in the download for updated documentation. Original contribution by Lenny Palozzi and Andreas Rozek.
Updated by Daniel Corkum, 7 June 2019.
LS-DynaSyntax definitions for LS-Dyna. This is a widely used finite element code with a keyword based syntax.
Contributed by Gregory GALLAIS, 5 March 2009.
Macro SchedulerSyntax definitions for when TextPad is used as the specified editor in Macro Scheduler from Mjt Net Ltd.
Contributed by Chris Willmot
MagikSyntax definitions for GE Smallworld Magik Programming
Contributed by Baris Guner, 15 March 2001
MagikSyntax definition file and clip library for GE Smallworld Magik Programming language.
Contributed by Sean Ince, 24 April 2001
MagmaSyntax definitions for Magma. It is similar to VRML, part of it is VRML, but Magma adds some nodes related to haptic controlling.
Contributed by Weining Qi, 17 September 2000
Make FilesSyntax definition files for make files for ClearCase OMAKE and should work for most standard make files
Contributed by David Sansom
Make FilesSyntax definition file for make files for ClearCase OMAKE. Also works for Borland Command Line Tools.
Contributed by Christian Foerster, 17 July 2003.
Make Files BSDSyntax definition file for BSD Makefiles.
Contributed by Eric Huss, 29 November 2005.
MailManagerSyntax definitions for MailManager 2010 scripts.
Contributed by Chris Moore, 3 November 2004.
MailTraqSyntax definitions for the scripting language used by MailTraq, a windows mail and proxy server www.mailtraq.com/
Contributed by Chris Hastie
MapBasicSyntax definitions for for MapBasic.
Contributed by Niels Fahse, 22 May 2003.
MapGuideSyntax definitions for Autodesk MapGuide's MWX format - based on XML.
Contributed by Bill Corner, 8 May 2002.
MAPSERVERSyntax definition files for MAPSERVER 3.6.3 mapfile.
Contributed by Laurent Chevalier, 7 March 2003.
MAPSERVERDM Solutions Group is one of the main contributors to the Mapserver technology, and have recently produced a Textpad syntax file (map_40.syn) for our latest released MapServer 4.0.
Contributed by Christopher R. Thorne, 4 November 2003.
MarcTextPad syntax definitions for MSC.Marc, a finite element code for computational dynamics.
Contributed by Shinjiro Ito,(shinjiro.ito@konicaminolta.jp) 6 March 2004.
MarxMenuSyntax file for MarxMenu,a scripting language.
Contributed by Marc Perkel
MASMSyntax file for Microsoft's Macro Assembler MASM 6.11 files.
Contributed by James Estep, 10, November 2002.
MASMSyntax file for Microsoft's Macro Assembler(MASM 6.15 or below) files (*.asm, *.cod, *.inc).
Contributed by Steffen Lohse, updated 14 August 2003.
MathematicaSyntax Definitions for Mathematica, (*.m, *.nb) Keywords supporting latest version 5.0. www.wolfram.com/
Contributed by Jeff Adams, 30 July 2003.
MatLabSyntax definitions for MatLab.
Contributed by Michael Robbins
MatLabAlternative syntax definitions for MatLab.
Contributed by Julian A. de Marchi
MatLab 5.3Syntax definitions for MatLab 5.3 (R11).
Contributed by M. Rumianek
MatLab r12Updated syntax definitions for MatLab release 12
Contributed by Jeroen Ploeg, 9 January 2001
MatLab r12.1Defines syntax highlighting for Matlab Release 12.1 functions and operators. Also Matlab function for generating Matlab keywords.
Contributed by Jeroen Ploeg, 10 August 2001
MatLab r12.1TextPad syntax definitions for MATLAB Version (R12.1)
Contributed by Leandro G. Barajas, 27 October 2002.
MatrixOneTextPad syntax definitions for MatrixOne's MQL files.
Contributed by, Jeffrey Flick, updated 09 July 2007.
MAXL EssbaseSyntax definitions for Essbase MAXL language.
Contributed by Raman Sadwal, 20 March 2009.
MAX+ PlusSyntax definitions for Altera MAX+ Plus AHDL hardware description language.
Contributed by Philip Nye
MaxScriptSyntax definitions for the MaxScript language in 3D Studio MAX 3.x www.discreet.com
Contributed by John Burnett, 19 July 2000
MaxScriptUpdated Syntax definitions for version 7 of the maxscript programming language.
Contributed by Jon Seagull, 19 October 2004.
MCOSSyntax definitions for MCOS version 5.x board descriptor files (.desc) and configuration files (.cfg)
Contributed by Michael L. Hasenfratz Sr, 2 August 2000
MDLSyntax definitions for the Bentley Microstation Development Language (MDL).
Contributed by Francesco Ciampiconi
MDLSyntax file for MicroStation Development Language (MDL), a C/C++ language derivative for the MicroStation CAD system environment (from Bentley Systems, Inc.)
Contributed by Geoff Houck, 2 June 2000
MDLSyntax file for MDL, adding extensive support for MS-structures; extensive support for all MS-defines; support for all added dialogItems since Microstation 95.
Contributed by Stephan Goeting, 14 July 2000
MEL scripting languageSyntax definition file for Maya's MEL scripting language, which is updated to include new Maya 2015 scripts and commands.
Contributed by Greg Gladstone, 6 May 2015.
MEL scripting languageSyntax definition file for Maya's MEL scripting language, which is updated to include new Maya 2008 scripts and commands.
Contributed by Greg Gladstone, 6 April 2008.
MEL scripting languageSyntax definition file for Maya 8.5 MEL scripting language. This definition includes 53 keywords missed in the previous definition. It also correctly distinguishes between mel script keywords and mel command keywords.
Contributed by Greg Gladstone, 26 August 2007.
MEL scripting languageSyntax definition file for Maya's MEL scripting language, which is updated to include new Maya 7.0 scripts and commands.
Contributed by Greg Gladstone, 13 August 2005.
MEL scripting languageSyntax definition file for Maya's MEL scripting language. Updated for Maya 6.0.1.
Contributed by Greg Gladstone, 29 September 2004.
MEL scripting languageSyntax definition file for Maya's 4.x MEL scripting language.
Contributed by Brett Tribble, 3 March 2003.
MEL scripting languageSyntax definition file for Maya's MEL scripting language
Contributed by Patrick J. Boucher, 19 October 2001
Message Builder 5Syntax file for Message Builder 5. It is a 4GL language used to write programs for Amtrix intergration broker platform Original Contribution by Mikael Projtz,
Contributed by Magnus Palmer 25 April 2001.
MetaStockSyntax file for Metastock 9 which is a stock market charting tool. It may be compatible with Metastock 10 (latest release), but is untested,
Contributed by Ross Hartley, 31 January 2007.
MIBSyntax definitions for MIB files.
Contributed by Theo Ekelmans, 11 April 2000
Microstation Basic (BAS)Syntax file for MicroStation Basic Macro Development Language(BAS), a Microsoft Basic language derivative/extension developed for the MicroStation CAD Environment (from Bentley Systems, Inc.). The following files are included in the zip file: MicroStation Basic files: msBasic.syn, MicroStation Configuration files: msCFG.syn, MicroStation Barmenu Menu: msMDF.syn, MicroStation Side Bar menu msSBM.syn,
Contributed by Robert McCartney, updated 4 September, 2003.
MIDLSyntax file for Microsoft Interface Definition Language. Used in creating type libraries, which are convenient for encapsulating function interface definitions. The MIDL compiler reads an IDL file creates a TLB (type library) file,
Contributed by James Jensen, 2 February 2001
MIFSyntax definition file for the Framemaker MIF ( Maker Interchange Format.)
Contributed by Stephen Schwedland 3 May 2001.
MIPS R2000Syntax definitions for MIPS R2000 Assembly Language,
Contributed by Joshua Aidan Tenpenny [aidan@drexel.edu], 7 September 2001
MIPS 32Syntax definitions for the MIPS 32 Assembly language.
Contributed by Christopher Myer, 28 August 2004.
MIRCSyntax definitions for use with scripts for the mIRC IRC client.
Contributed by Martin Sandin, 22 August 2000
MIRCSyntax definition file for the latest version of mIRC.
Contributed by Greeny, 20 September 2004.
MivaSyntax definitions for MivaScript.
Contributed by Jonathan Wray, 13 February 2001
MlinkSyntax definitions for Mlink. Mlink is a comms suite with a simple scripting language similar to BASIC, but with all of the good parts removed.
Contributed by David Snyder, 15 June 2005.
MLwiN 2.02Syntax definition file for MLwiN 2.02 macros. www.mlwin.com
Contributed by George Leckie, 12 July 2005.
MMLSyntax definitions for MML scripting language. Gordano Mail and List server products. MML allows dynamic customisation of List postings and web pages.
Contributed by Ben Dobson 6 June 2001.
MobolSyntax file for use in MOBOL (Mobile Operating Language), the scripting language used at wotmud.org, the Wheel of Time mud.
Contributed by Nass, 2 November 2003.
ModelicaSyntax definitions for the Modelica language.
Contributed by Christophe Blanchard, 9 July 2012.
Modula 2Syntax definitions for the Modula 2 (Stonybrook version).
Contributed by Brent Jensen
MOFSyntax definitions for DMTF's Managed Object Format (MOF), a language based on IDL (the Object Management Group's Interface Definition Language).
Contributed Swathi Sasidharan, 11 April 2008.
MonkSyntax definitions for Monk, which is a custom scripting language for eGate, a EAI product from Seebeyond.
Contributed by Shubhrajit Chatterjee, 2 May 2003.
MortscriptA syntax file for MortScript.
Contributed by Craig Zerba, 21 July 2010.
Moscow MLSyntax definitions for Moscow ML, a programming language. This definition covers all keywords available at toplevel as well as keywords in the API of the language.
Contributed by Mads-Peter Brunn Jensen, 3 December 1999.
Motorola 05/08TextPad keyword syntax file for Motorola 05/08.
Contributed by Terry White, 8 September 2003.
Motorola StarCoreTextPad keyword syntax file for Motorola assembler for StarCore.
Contributed by Petrisor Bogdan, 15 October 2002.
Motorola 68HC12Syntax file for the Motorola 68HC12 Microprocessor.
Contributed by Geoff Granum, 28 April 2002.
Motorola 68HC11Syntax file for the Motorola 68HC11 Microprocessor. Includes keyword sections for: Language syntax, Register names, Buffalo Equates, and Flag Names.
Contributed by Michael Erlich 19 October 2001.
Motorola HC11 AssemblerSyntax definitions for Motorola HC11 Assembler, using the P E Micro Macro assembler.
Contributed by Bart Voskulen, 27 June 2000.
Motorola HC(9)08 microcontrollerSyntax definitions for Motorola HC(9)08 microcontroller.
Contributed by Chris Pflieger, 11 July 2000.
Motorola 680x0Syntax definitions for Motorola 680x0 Family assembly language.
Contributed by John Buonagurio, 11 December 2005.
MPSSyntax definitions for MPS files (mps.syn), the industry standard format for matrix files, commonly used for LP and MIP optimisation problems.
Contributed by Robert Sedgwick, 29 April 2002.
MQSCSyntax definitions for MQSC command line scripts for the creation of queues, listeners, channels, etc... for the WebSphere Message Queuing product (WMQ).
Contributed by Evangelos Papadakis, 6 May 2015.
MSbuildSyntax highlighting for msbuild, which comes with the .Net 2.0 framework. Suggest using for *.targets, *.proj, *.csproj.
Contributed by Peter Aylett, 19 December 2005.
MSbuildThis is a recent spin on a syntax definition file for Visual Studio 2015. A few new keywords have been added. Keywords have been organized in to structural elements, tasks, common properties and items, and finally element attributes.
Contributed by Nicole C. Tedesco, 22 September 2016.
MS-DosDefines syntax highlighting for MS-DOS batch and config files.
Contributed by Julian A. de Marchi.
MSHSyntax definitions for Microsoft's new command shell, MSH (*.msh scripts)
Contributed by Alex K. Angelopoulos, 16 June 2004.
MSHSyntax definitions for MSH based upon the beta 2 version.
Contributed by Yimin Wei, 6 October 2005.
MSILSyntax definition file for 'Microsoft Intermediate Language' or 'MSIL' and is sometimes called 'ILASM' (for it's assembly-like qualities). It is the *intermediate* language which all .NET languages compile to before being converted to machine code by the JIT compiler
Contributed by Chris Lajoie, 27 October 2003.
MS RegistrySyntax definitions for Microsoft Registry files.
Contributed by Charles Rivet
MSTS(Microsoft Train Simulator)A set of 16 files that define the syntax for various file formats used by MS Train Simulator.
Contributed by Andrew Miller, 3 October 2005.
Mud Master scriptsSyntax Definition for Mud Master scripts. www.mud-master.com/
Contributed by Chad Kovac, 30 April 2002.
MUGENSyntax definitions for character code files in the MUGEN fighting game engine.
Contributed by Ryan Corradini, 24 September 2007.
MuPAD 2.0Syntax definitions for MuPAD 2.0 source files (*.mu). MuPAD is a computer algebra system developed at the University of Paderborn and distributed by SciFace Software.
Contributed by Klaus Drescher, 19 March 2001
MySQL 3.23+Syntax definitions for MySQL 3.23+.
Contributed by Trevor Robinson, 27 April 2000
MySQLSyntax definitions for MySQL.
Contributed by Chuck Bass, 14 May 2002.
MySQLSyntax definitions for MySQL. It has all the current Keywords and Functions in it, generated from the manual available online today. It could be used for all versions of MySQL, but would be ideal for MySQL 4
Contributed by Tony Davies, 19 February 2004.
MySQL MaxDBSyntax Definitions for MySQL MaxDB 7.5.0. It could be used for all versions of MySQL, but would be ideal for MySQL 4
Contributed by Peter Schulz, 22 June 2004.
MySQL 5Syntax Definitions for MySQL 5.
Contributed by Maier Waldemar, 24 April 2007.
MySQL 5Syntax Definitions for MySQL 5.
Contributed by Skip Tabor, 13 October 2010.

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Textpad 1 7 26 – Latex Editor Tutorial

Texpad: LaTeX editor for iPhone. Texpad: LaTeX editor for iPhone. $9.99 Valletta Ventures iOS Version 1.7.3 Full Specs. Visit Site External Download Site. Publisher's Description.