Phpstorm 2019 1 2 – Lightweight And Smart Php Ide

Download the latest version of PhpStorm for Windows, macOS or Linux. PhpStorm is built based on platform IntelliJ open-source, which we at JetBrains have developed and perfected in over 15 years. Enjoy the experience tweak, customization that it offers to match the development process of you. Content update of JetBrains PhpStorm 2019.2.2.

  1. Phpstorm 2019 1 2 – Lightweight And Smart Php Idea
  2. Phpstorm 2019 1 2 – Lightweight And Smart Php Identify
  3. Phpstorm 2019 1 2 – Lightweight And Smart Php Ide Tutorial
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HTTP ClientBugWI-45704JDK 11: Response handler doesn't work (Nashorn is removed)
PHPBugWI-46117Wrong indent heredoc false positive for empty line
PHP ComposerFeatureWI-45865Support docker for Composer execution
FeatureWI-46387Make references to settings from composer log as links
BugWI-46411Create project from composer: create-project command fails when use composer from docker or composer.phar
CosmeticsWI-46464Error message for composer executable is blinking
CosmeticsWI-46465Large blank space on the 'Create project from composer' dialog
PHP FormatterBugWI-45986Pieces of code disappear after formatting, when using PHP 7.3 HEREDOC
PHP InspectionsBugWI-45987PhpRedundantClosingTagInspection false positive when using PHP 7.3 HEREDOC
PHP TemplatesFeatureWI-46191Blade debug: Support new format of Blade debug info
BugWI-45848Laravel 5.8: array_except() is now deprecated, and it affects @extends
Project ConfigurationUsabilityWI-42574Add Symfony Plugin as a featured plugin
No subsystemBugIDEA-210940Borderless UI: Welcome screen is cut (shorter then should be) and can not be resized
BugIDEA-199283[Run Anything] a list of maven goals, which appears after mouse clicking on 'load more', differs from the list invoked using keyboard
BugIDEA-211042Borderless UI: Can't move window by clicking near the minimize icon
BugIDEA-209684Hide 'RunAnything' popup on any other popup appearing
Code. GenerateUsabilityIDEA-210108Create new test window misses interface methods
DebuggerBugIDEA-210122Unable to debug tests in forked mode with shmem transport
UsabilityIDEA-210164No visual feedback on toggling a breakpoints in diff-view
Editor. Code CompletionBugIDEA-209206Completion: avoid showing loading... for multiple entries in the fully resized completion list
Editor. Editing TextBugIDEA-210104Move Caret to Matching Brace moves to wrong position
Editor. Error HighlightingBugIDEA-198053Library source does not match the bytecode for VirtualFilePointerTracker
Find, Replace, Find UsagesBugIDEA-208622Find Usages for a class doesn't report instances created via method references (ClassName::new)
JSONBugIDEA-209825No effect when use $ref in propertyNames in json schema
Packaging and InstallationFeatureIDEA-194151Publish modules required to build IntelliJ IDEA from sources as Maven artifacts
TaskIDEA-210116We wan't to add custom uninstall step.
Platform APIFeatureIDEA-211175Provide an annotation which may be used to mark public elements which must not be used from external plugins
Plugin DevelopmentBugIDEA-210414False positive inspection, my plugin.xml not contains template text.
BugIDEA-210304Unnecessary 'Element should be registered' error is shown for common filetype extension classes registered for a specific filetype
UsabilityIDEA-210145Unnecessary 'Element should be registered' error is shown for common language extension classes registered for a specific language
Plugin ManagementBugIDEA-210955Plugin deduplication on load should compare id, not name
Project ConfigurationBugIDEA-210208Inspection profile file is deleted by IDEA
TaskIDEA-209554Support pom maven artefacts
Quick DocumentationBugIDEA-210890Quick documentation for lookup items doesn't work if the file is empty
Structural Search and ReplaceBugIDEA-209438new String[0] pattern incorrectly matches new String[0][] expression
ExceptionIDEA-197743«Perform code analysis» before Commit fails with NPE
TerminalBugIDEA-210461Sometimes Escape should not switch from the Terminal tool window to the editor
BugIDEA-202809Terminal tabs can't be reordered
UMLBugIDEA-210642Exporting ER diagram to png freezes idea
BugIDEA-127395On diagram export to file this file doesn't appear in project until synchronization is invoked
User InterfaceBugIDEA-210678Background image resets after exit when using custom theme plugin
UsabilityIDEA-208922Run Anything: no highlighting of matched text
UsabilityIDEA-168223Open recent menu doesn't display project group if any
TaskIDEA-210932Borderless UI: ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - null cannot be cast to non-null type java.awt.Color
User Interface. ControlsBugIDEA-206829JBLabel renders '...' in copyable mode regardless if autowrap is enabled.
User Interface. Look and FeelBugIDEA-210915Scrollbar transparency in color scheme loses after changes
User Interface. NavigationBugIDEA-209286Recent Locations: Only first selected location is opened if several locations are selected in popup
BugIDEA-210716Run anything shows no suggestions on first run
Version ControlBugIDEA-209149File Status colors COPIED and RENAMED always appear in editor color scheme
XMLBugIDEA-206686Where is 'Collapse empty tag' > 'fix all in file' option?
BugIDEA-210622Good code is red: No-namespace element incorrectly reported as 'not allowed here' in XML file with XML Schema
DB ConnectivityBugDBE-8124Idea. New DataSource from ProjectView. Make DB url with one side directed slashes
UsabilityDBE-3103Incorrect folder redirection when choosing ssl keys on data source creation
DB DiffUsabilityDBE-8102Full schema path not showing in Schema Diff
DB IntrospectionBugDBE-7832Large Schema introspection crashes after ~ 1h with ORA-1652 on retrieving sources
BugDBE-8076Unknown table 'check_constraints' in information_schema
DB RefactoringCosmeticsDBE-6980UI inconsistency, data editor icon
Data Import & ExportBugDBE-8133Export table as SQL inserts produces invalid SQL for Cassandra
Data ViewsFeatureDBE-2056Show SQLite ROWID field in Table Editor
BugDBE-8122Database table filter is restored even when closing and reopening table
BugDBE-3315SQL Server - Unable to calculate count in a join query having order by
BugDBE-8042clickhouse array support
PerformanceDBE-4533Access to the last page of the query is incredibly slow
SQL Format and StyleBugDBE-8148Formatter is called after typing round bracket
BugDBE-8078Misaligned formatting for procedure variables
SQL GeneralFeatureDBE-8093Mysql function LATERAL is regarded to as unknown
SQL HighlightingFeatureDBE-3778SQL Inspection: group by and aggregate functions — bad code is green
FeatureDBE-3785PostgreSQL: expressions at having not from group by or aggregate functions are green
FeatureDBE-3784PostgreSQL: aggregate functions not at select result list or having clause are green
BugDBE-3783PostgreSQL: nested aggregate function calls are green
BugDBE-8240MySQL 8 UUID_TO_BIN() function is not recognized
BugDBE-8166Please add support for mysql alter algorithm=instant type
BugDBE-8107Keyword NULLSEQUAL and Operator '::!' are missing in Vertica's Dialect
BugDBE-8187Oracle: EDITIONABLE keyword not handled in function definition
BugDBE-8163Faulty signature check of SYSDATE() function
BugDBE-8084Support EXECUTE AS Clause (Transact-SQL)
BugDBE-8241Alter tablespace statement: 'rename datafile' clause parsing error
BugDBE-8263Snowflake: LIKE ANY clause not recognized
BugDBE-8217Apache Cassandra lightweight transactions
BugDBE-8029Clickhouse ON CLUSTER clause is not recognized
BugDBE-8164Introspection does not accept all valid transaction_characteristics of START TRANSACTION statement
BugDBE-8162redshift syntax doesn't support zstd for unload operations
SQL ResolveBugDBE-8213Problems with resolve in dynamic SQL
BugDBE-8037SQL -> JSON_TABLE() shows 'unresolved symbol/column'
No subsystemBugWEB-38466WSL: prettier only works with javascript files
BugWEB-38315'Convert to async' should also be proposed on class method names
UsabilityWEB-38309Update bundled plugins description
CSSBugWEB-38273Problem with justify-self and justify-items warnings in media queries
CoffeeScriptBugWEB-35373coffeescript JSX props spread
BugWEB-35376coffeescript JSX React.Fragment shorthand
BugWEB-38126Support splat arguments in invocation without parenthesis
DebuggerBugWEB-38228Electron App does not start up corretly in DebugMode
BugWEB-38097%NODE_DEBUG_OPTION% in NPM Script not working anymore
JavaScriptBugWEB-38414Auto import in Flow adds path to the IDE bundled definitions for React instead of the project ones
BugWEB-37583JS: Completion doesn't show nested indexer in the object key
BugWEB-38488NPE when creating a new object property
BugWEB-38467`top level this` false-positive inspection's warning for class with JSX
BugWEB-38357No completion for @editorjs/editorjs npm package
BugWEB-38198.var postfix template doesn't work after ES6 tagged template
PerformanceWEB-38158High CPU usage, code analysis never completes when resolving references from 'reselect' module
JavaScript. FrameworksFeatureWEB-35582create-react-app: option to generate project with TypeScript
BugWEB-38458Incorrect 'not declared in any Angular module' inspection warning in spec files
BugWEB-38554Angular, Native Script: provide extension to contribute to template context
BugWEB-38550'Not an Angular Module' inspection false positive
BugWEB-38234Inspection: false positive 'Unresolved function or method then()' on async functions without explicit Promise<> return type. (Angular) WS 2019.1
BugWEB-38448False 'unresolved' error in angular template
BugWEB-38265False positive 'unresolved variable value'
BugWEB-38364Angular: Support metadata references in input/output decorator properties for @syncfusion library
BugWEB-38361Angular CLI: schematics are broken with 8.0.0-beta.11
BugWEB-38180Angular v7 error type detection in template after pipe.
UsabilityWEB-38425UI improvements for inspections and completion presentation for Angular components
JavaScript. InspectionsBugWEB-38138inspection incorrectly reports 'variable xyz is declared in clause abc but is being used in clause def'
BugWEB-38383False 'redundant typeof check' when using destructuring assignment with default values
JavaScript. RefactoringBugWEB-38329'Add braces to arrow function' in JSX replaces function body with `{ return null'; }`
BugWEB-38306'Convert to async' doesn't properly process chains with calls as then/catch arguments
UsabilityWEB-38304Extend availability of 'Convert to async' action to the same scope as 'convert to anymomous/named' are available o
LintersBugWEB-38490Exception attempting to suppress ESLint errors from the Inspection results tool window
BugWEB-38213Invalid highlights for CRLF line endings when using typescript-tslint-plugin
Node.jsBugWEB-37960WSL: Angular Karma: the wrong path is used for old framework versions
BugWEB-38176NPM package version is mistakenly reported as not matching range from package.json
BugWEB-38253Missed update npm dependencies on not actual node_modules in PyCharm
TypeScriptBugWEB-38386Ctrl + Shift + Enter does not work as expected with Typescript and Intellij
BugWEB-38113typeof inspection bug
BugWEB-38464Typescript: Jest globals are no longer suggested in 2019.1.1
BugWEB-38270TypeScript editor sometimes stop working
BugWEB-38275Some pipes not available in auto-completion
PerformanceWEB-38440Slow augmentation resolution in angular projects
Unit TestsFeatureWEB-37985Use arrow function when generating Jasmine suite/spec with ES6 language level
FeatureWEB-35160Detect test runner if it's installed but not listed directly in package.json
BugWEB-38178When rerunning failed tests, first test is escaped (using mocha bdd interface)
BugWEB-38326Jest 'update snapshot' link no longer displayed
BugWEB-38478Protractor is set for Karma tests in fresh @angular/cli project

Intelligent coding assistance

PhpStorm is a PHP IDE that actually ‘gets’ your code. It supports PHP 5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2, provides on-the-fly error prevention, best autocompletion & code refactoring, zero configuration debugging, and an extended HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editor.

Smart PHP Code Editor

The IDE provides smart code completion, syntax highlighting, extended code formatting configuration, on-the-fly error checking, code folding, supports language mixtures and more. Automated refactorings that treat your code with care, helping to make global project settings easily and safely.

Code Quality Analysis

Hundreds of code inspections verify your code as you type and inspect the whole project for possible errors or code smells. Quick-fixes for most inspections make it easy to fix or improve the code instantly. Alt+Enter shows appropriate options for each inspection.

Easy Code Navigation & Search

PhpStorm helps you get around your code more efficiently and save time when working with large projects. Jump to a method, function or variable definition in just one click, or search for its usages.

Debugging, Testing and Profiling

PhpStorm provides powerful built-in tools for debugging, testing and profiling your applications.


Zero-configuration debugging makes it really easy to debug your PHP applications. Besides, PhpStorm provides numerous options for debugging your PHP code with Visual Debugger, so you can: inspect variables and user-defined watches, set breakpoints and evaluate an expression in runtime, debug remote applications, debug a page in multiple sessions simultaneously, and more.


You can develop PHPUnit tests right in PhpStorm and run them instantly from a directory, file or class, by using the context menu options. Code Coverage from PHPUnit shows how much of your code is covered with tests.


Phpstorm 2019 1 2 – Lightweight And Smart Php Idea

You can profile your applications with Xdebug or Zend Debugger and check aggregated reports in PhpStorm.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript Editor

PhpStorm includes all the features of WebStorm related to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

HTML and CSS Editor


All the cutting edge web development technologies are supported including HTML 5, CSS, SASS,SCSS, LESS, CoffeeScript, ECMAScript Harmony, Jade templates, etc. Live Edit gives you an opportunity to see all the changes instantly in the browser without refreshing the page.

JavaScript Editor

The smartest JavaScript Editor is bundled with the IDE, offering code completion, validation and quick fixes, refactorings, JSDoc type annotations support, JavaScript debugging and unit testing, support for JavaScript Frameworks, and more.

New Technologies

PhpStorm provides a streamlined experience for the full development cycle with new languages such as TypeScript, CoffeeScript, and Dart.

Development Environment

PhpStorm is built on top of the open-source IntelliJ Platform, which we at JetBrains have been developing and perfecting for over 15 years. Enjoy the fine-tuned, highly customizable experience it provides to fit your development workflow.

Phpstorm 2019 1 2 – Lightweight And Smart Php Identify


PhpStorm provides a unified UI for working with many popular Version Control Systems, ensuring a consistent user experience across git, GitHub, SVN, Mercurial, and Perforce.

Databases & SQL

Phpstorm 2019 1 2 – Lightweight And Smart Php Ide Tutorial

PhpStorm provides tools and code assistance features for working with databases and SQL in your projects. Connect to databases, edit schemas and table data, run queries, and even analyze schemas with UML diagrams. SQL code can be injected to other languages or edited in SQL Editor, with syntax highlighting, smart code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, code formatting and navigation available.

Other Features

Perform many routine tasks right from the IDE with support for Vagrant support, Docker, Composer, and more.