Iphone Explorer
  1. Iphone Explorer Windows 10
  2. Iphone Explorer Free

IExplorer - formerly called iPhone Explorer, is a freeware designed by Software4u for Windows that features an array of tools and a user-friendly interface. This application enables users to view and access the file system of their iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad as well as direct access to all saved photos, videos, emails and SMS on the iPhone. IExplorer - formerly called iPhone Explorer, is a freeware designed by Software4u for Windows that features an array of tools and a user-friendly interface. This application enables users to view and access the file system of their iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad as well as direct access to all saved photos, videos, emails and SMS on the iPhone. The most important feature of an iPhone backup extractor is recovering messages, iBackup Viewer fully supports extracting iMessage and SMS text messages from iTunes backups, displaying iOS styled chat conversations, saving chats to pdf files and printing out to paper. Create HTML files for all messages. Supports extracting WhatsApp message history.

Iphone Explorer Windows 10

O iPhone Explorer é a ferramenta que necessita se quiser aceder aos arquivos do seu dispositivo iOS como se estivesse a utilizar um comum HD removível.
O interface do programa permite-nos aceder facilmente a qualquer item no seu dispositivo Apple, vídeos, música, imagens, toques de telemóvel, mensagens, ...
Até nos permite criar os nossos próprios toques de telemóvel, utilizando a música do telemóvel ou do seu disco duro. Será capaz de o fazer graças a um editor áudio incorporado de fácil utilização.
O iPhone Explorer é uma aplicação muito interessante para qualquer dono dum dispositivo Apple, porque garante acesso a alguns locais do seu dispositivo, aos quais nunca conseguiria aceder caso não utilizasse o iPhone Explorer.
Finalmente, devemos realçar que necessita ter o iTunes para executar o programa na perfeição.
Por Tiago Gomes

Iphone Explorer Free

iPhone Explorer is the tool you need if you want to access the folders in your iOS device as if you were using a common removable HD.
The interface of the program allows us to easily access any item in our Apple device videos, music, pictures, ringtones, messages,...
It even allows us to create our own ringtones using the music in the phone or in our hard drive. You'll be able to do it thanks to an easy-to-use built-in audio editor.
iPhone Explorer is a very interesting application for any Apple Device owner because it grants access to some places of the device you'll never be able to access if you don't use iPhone Explorer.
Finally, we should highlight that you'll need iTunes to run the program perfectly.