Iina 1 0 0 – Modern Video Player Manual


Stable releases

IINA 1.0 is now available: the modern media player for macOS and great alternative of VLC. Posted by 1 year ago. IINA 1.0 is now available: the modern media player for macOS and great alternative of VLC. Iina.io/ 426 comments. Save hide report. I tend to use IINA for video and VLC for audio. 1.0.1 Fixed a crash on quit. Fixed a potential crash when generating thumbnails. Improved the way to get the actual display FPS for options like video-sync. Fixed 'Use config directory' still being clickable when advanced settings is disabled. Fixed a problem where IINA automatically quits when the playback history window is still open.

Iina 1 0 0 – Modern Video Player Manual Downloads

The modern media player for macOS. IINA has 10 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. Iina The modern video player for macOS. Camera manuals and free digital camera pdf instructions. Find the user manual you need for your camera and more at ManualsOnline. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers.

Released on 2020-10-13Release Note
Previous versions
  • 1.0.7released on 2020-06-12,Release Note
  • 1.0.6released on 2020-01-13,Release Note
  • 1.0.5released on 2020-01-06,Release Note
  • 1.0.4released on 2019-05-27,Release Note
  • 1.0.3released on 2019-03-31,Release Note
  • 1.0.2released on 2019-02-23,Release Note
  • 1.0.1released on 2019-01-14,Release Note
  • 1.0.0released on 2018-12-25,Release Note
  • on 2018-04-29,Release Note
  • 0.0.15released on 2018-01-12,Release Note
  • on 2017-10-24,Release Note
  • 0.0.14released on 2017-10-17,Release Note
  • 0.0.13released on 2017-10-15,Release Note
Beta releases

If you already have IINA installed, you can change to beta channel bychecking the 'Receive beta updates' button in Preferences.

Show downloads1.1.0-beta2
Released on 2020-10-07
Previous versions
  • 1.1.0-beta1released on 2020-09-02Release Note
  • 1.0.7-beta2released on 2020-04-13Release Note
  • 1.0.7-beta1released on 2020-03-01Release Note
  • 1.0.0-rcreleased on 2018-12-02Release Note
  • 1.0.0-beta4released on 2018-09-10Release Note
Install via Homebrew Cask

You may also install IINA via the community-maintained Homebrew cask by running:

Browser extensions

You can open various online media in IINA directly from web browsers by using our browser extensions.

The Safari App Extension is already included in the IINA App bundle, and you may only need to enable it in Safari Preferences. Extensions for other browsers could be downloaded below.

Nightly builds

Nightly builds are built based on each new commit on the develop branch. They are not signed so you need to manually change your system security settings to use nightly builds.

Click here to view all nightly builds.

Iina 1 0 0 – Modern Video Player Manual
This page contains example code.

The Windows build of VLC includes an (optionaly installed) ActiveX control. The ActiveX control enables VLC to be embedded in web browsers and third-party applications.

  • 6Installing


The API described in this page only reflects VLC ActiveX controls prior to This API will be removed soon.

It is not advised to use this JS API any longer.

Please use the VLC ActiveX v2 interface as described in the new documentation.

The new JS API interface is exactly the same for Internet Explorer, Mozilla/Firefox and Safari. Thus easing the maintenance and developing of webpages for the VLC browser plugins.


The ActiveX control includes the following properties:

nametypeget or setdescription
LengthIntegergetReturns length of the current clip.
playlistCountgetReturns the count of items in the playlist
playlistIndexgetReturns the index of the current item in the playlist.
AutoLoopBooleanget/setDetermines if the player should automatically loop when it finishes the current playlist.
AutoPlayBooleanget/setDetermines if the player should start playing a new file/playlist immediately upon being loaded.
VolumeIntegerget/setCurrent volume (scaled from 0 to 100)
MRLStringget/setPresumably returns the MRL of the currently loaded file.
TimeIntegerget/setTime elapsed in seconds playing current MRL, 0 for live feed
showdisplayBooleanget/setshow/hide control viewport
PlayingBooleangetReturns whether some MRL is playing
Position'real'get/setPlayback position within current MRL, scaled from 0.0 to 1.0. Live feed returns 0.0
VersionInfoStringgetReturns version and build information.

Note: In Visual Basic, type 'Long' should be used for properties listed with type 'Integer'.


The ActiveX control includes the following methods (functions):

nametypedescriptionsyntax (VB)
setVariablemethodAssigns a value to a variable that is defined in libvlc.ccontrolname.setVariable name as String, value
getVariablemethodReturns the contents of a variable that is defined in libvlc.cx = controlname.getVariable(name as String)
pausemethodPauses the currently playing clipcontrolname.pause
playmethodPlays as in the normal player, if a clip is not loaded, does nothing.controlname.play
playFastermethodMakes the currently playing clip play faster.controlname.playFaster
playSlowermethodMakes the currently playing clip play slower.controlname.playSlower
stopmethodMakes the currently playing clip stop.controlname.stop
shuttlemethodMoves the playback position a specified number of seconds in either direction.controlname.shuttle(seconds as Long)
playlistClearmethodClears the playlistcontrolname.playlistClear
playlistNextmethodGoes to next item in the playlistcontrolname.playlistNext
playlistPrevmethodGoes to previous item in the playlistcontrolname.playlistPrev
addTargetmethodAdds a uri to the current playlist or replaces the current playlist with the uri.controlname.addTarget(uri as String, options, mode as VLCPlaylistMode, Position as Long)
toggleMutemethodToggles between the muted/unmuted state of the embedded player.controlname.toggleMute
fullscreenmethodToggles between fullscreen and non-fullscreen modes.controlname.fullscreen


The addTarget method accepts most of the command line options; including, but not limited to, the following :

  • :audio-track=index
  • :vout-filter=output-filter (deinterlace for example)
  • :deinterlace-mode=mode (linear for example)




VideoLAN is not a good source for the installation of VLC through an ActiveX control. At some point, Microsoft Internet Explorer stopped allowing the installation of ActiveX controls unless:

  • they were signed to associate the software vendor's name with the file containing the ActiveX control, or
  • they resided in an 'trusted site' (from the user's perspective, running Internet Explorer)

The second option is only feasible where both server and client infrastructure are managed under the same umbrella, i.e. where the server providing the ActiveX control can be declared 'trusted'. This is not feasible in the open web. In a web configuration, a Certificate Authority needs to digitally sign the ActiveX control. This comes at a cost which the VideoLAN project is not able to bear. The solution is to create one's own ActiveX control distribution, which in turn can be digitally signed by a Certificate Authority of your choice, if necessary.

Creating an VLC ActiveX Distribution

The following requisites are required:

  • CABSDK by Microsoft to create a Cabinet File (.cab-file) containing the relevant ActiveX control and VLC files. MSDN has a good description how to package an ActiveX Control, including a link to the CABSDK download page.
  • The .cab-file is a special form of a .zip file, consisting of:
    • axvlc.inf - The INF file, which would be called manifest in the modern age
    • axvlc.dll - ActiveX DLL which bootstraps the VLC setup file
    • vlc-0.8.6e-win32.exe - VLC setup file (refer to your version)

I am using the following code in the INF file:

Again, refer to your version of VLC.

You can extract axvlc.dll from the binary distribution of VLC. This is a zip file on VideoLAN's download page, version 0.8.6.e here.

Iina 1 0 0 – Modern Video Player Manual Free

The regular VLC setup file is the 'featured' download on VideoLAN's main page; a copy resides in the same directory as axvlc.dll, the VLC setup file of version 0.8.6.e here.

With CABSDK installed and the three components in place, you can create the .cab-file using the CABARC tool from Microsoft's CABSDK, using the following command from a command prompt:

This assumes the PATH has been set to CABARC.EXE's directory. If you need to sign the .cab-file, you need to use the -s switch to allocate space for your digital certificate.

.cab-file Integration

Iina 1 0 0 – Modern Video Player Manual

Iina 1 0 0 – Modern Video Player Manual Download

The .cab file is integrated as described in the samples above, using the <OBJECT> element in the case of HTML, for example. When the ActiveX Control is called for the first time, i.e. prior to VLC installation through any means, the setup program should start up. Unfortunately, users have to click through a few dialogs, 'allow blocked contents' or deal with other inconveniences, depending on your configuration and the user's security settings of Internet Explorer. The user must have proper rights to install VLC on the user's computer; identical to a regular installation of VLC as required by the VLC setup program.

See Also

Iina 1 0 0 – Modern Video Player Manual Pdf

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