Dm1 The Drum Machine 3 0
  1. Dm1 The Drum Machine
  2. Dm1 The Drum Machine 3 00

DM1 – The Drum Machine 3.0. AppStore QR-Code ‎DM1 - The Drum Machine. Developer: Fingerlab. DM1 is an advanced Drum Machine. It turns your computer into a fun and creative beat making machine. Easy and fast to use, loaded with 99 superb electronic drum kits and beautiful hyper-realistic graphics, DM1 has been. DM1 is an advanced Drum Machine. It turns your computer into a fun and creative beat making machine. Easy and fast to use, loaded with 99 superb electronic drum kits and beautiful hyper-realistic graphics, DM1 has been designed for a lot of instant fun.? With Midi In & out, DM1 is ready to fit your digital audio workstation.

Dm1 The Drum Machine

DM1 for iPad has now reached version 3.0. For such a lofty number, you may be expecting the long anticipated MIDI update.


What's new:

  • Samples import:
    iPod, microphone, AudioPaste, DropBox & iTunes
  • Time signature
  • FX per track
  • FX automation
  • Pads Ribbon Automation
  • Export new features:
    separated tracks, AAC encoding & DropBox
  • Master volume track
  • 22 new drum kits

MIDI implementation is coming soon in the next update!

Buy DM1 on iTunes: $3.99 (On Sale, from $7.99)

Dm1 The Drum Machine 3 00

Those actually are some pretty nice features. Here's a demo of 3.0 from the developer.