Chocolat 3 1 1

Chocolate lovers unite! Well, maybe that's a bit strong. If you didn't have a chocolate craving before you start playing the'll probably be dreaming of a chocolate fountain before too long! This is for the most part an easy paced strategy game that lets you be creative.

There are 2 major tasks in this game. Get the Baumeister Chocolates family business running and making a profit again post WWII by getting the current Baumeister Board Members endorsements. And to find Alex Fletcher's (who has to had to hand the business over to you) husband who's never returned from the war. Now I'm off to purchase a chocolate fountain!
• If you can't afford to travel or don't want to travel and need to make the day/s advance while staying in one port; purchase a few of the least expensive products you'll use at the market. Do this several times and select 'okay' each time to exit the market and the day/s will change after doing this several times.
• Talk, talk, everyone. Check the buildings at every port often to see what new things the characters have to say. You'll probably receive a/several new quest/s. Accept as many quests as you can...even if you'd make more profit by selling the items at a shop. Most quests lead to bigger and better things.
• You can scroll over the ingredients and get the price range/s of products you have purchased previously.
• Buy cheap and sell high when you can.
• BE CREATIVE! Use the Secret Test Kitchen to create your own recipes and to have success in this game. Your choice...create recipes with low cost ingredients for less overhead OR use the most expensive ingredients and gain a higher profit margin OR combine the low cost and high cost items.
• There is a new option in this game after fulfilling quite a few quests (when you receive the shop in Tangiers) to purchase a telegraph machine. This enables you to change the product the factories are producing without going to the factory and manually making the change. The only prerequisite is that the product had to be made there previously to set the production amount.
• Try to make new recipes as you receive them...more than likely you'll need at least a few cases. This also makes the telegraph more helpful when acquired.
Names and Locations: (alphabetical listing by last name) Name-Port-Location
Abillou, Jilali – Tangiers – Hotel Tangiers
Azula, Elian – Havana – Old Havana Market
Balarin, Luis – Lima – Alpamayo Peak
Barreda, Pedro – Bogota – Andes Mountains
Amiel, Florian – Zurich – University of Zurich
Astengo, Keylla – Lima – Plaza Mayor
Barzani, Shada – Baghdad – Al Rasheed Market
Baumeister, Chas – San Francisco – San Francisco Chocolate Makers
Baumeister, Deiter – Tokyo – Honmei Industries
Baumeister, Evangeline – San Francisco – Baumeister Confections
Baumeister, Felix – Cape Town – Cape Town Manufacturing, LTD.
Baumeister, Teddy – Reykjavik – Secret Test Kitchen
Baumeister, Whitney – Wellington – New Zealand Confectioners, LTD.
Birchmore, Syd – travels – none
Bragger, Nino – Zurich – Swiss National Bank
Calvino, Agostina – travels – none
Caraballa, Armena – Havana – Vedado Chocolates and Coffees
Carpo, Katherine – travels – ends in the Falkland Islands
de Guines, Lolita – Havana – Hotel de Cuba
Devi, Santoro - Bali – Kintamani Plantation
Didharma, Trishana – Bali – Mangku's Sweets
Donders, Anselm – Zurich –Bahnhof
Elquez, Claudia – Las Vegas – Stan's Market
Equivel, Cambria – Xunantunich – Cambria's Place
Etame, Guy – Douala – Ndawara Plantation
Famosa, Cheena – Havana – Havana Coffee Beans LTD.
Fletcher, Alex – travels – none
Gaitain, Jorge – Bogota – Foothills Plantation
Gelder, Magdalene – Tangiers – Souk Market
Gilbraith, Abbey – Toronto – Bigtown Market
Gygax, Liridona – Zurich – St. Peterskirche
Haneda, Yuriko – travels – none
Hardy, Thomas – Tokyo – Mount Fuji
Hareda, Motochika – travels – none
Harrington, Pamela – travels – none
Helguson, Hjalmar – travels – none
Hlasek, Ursel – Zurich – Matterhorn
Hotz, Gavin – Cape Town – Victoria and Albert Waterfront Market
Hudstone, Brooke – Toronto – Ontario Manufacture
Isuneda, Reiko – Tokyo – Nakamise Market
Kamlaninui, Kalei – Kona – Ka'awa Loa Plantation
Kawai, Yoshi – Tokyo – Nakamitsu Fine Coffees and Sweets
Knowles, Sharon – San Francisco – Market Street Market
Kowaki – Uluru – Kowaki's Limes
Lafontaine, Rick – travels – none
Landinez, Transita – Bogota – Artesanias de Colombia
Layani, Ilani – Tangiers – Gibraltar Port
Llinas, Condela – Havana – Casino National
Loddington, Rufus – travels – none
Mackray, Edward – Falkland Islands – Boarding House
Makongue, Henri – Douala – Capital Sweets
Matibula, Kefilwe – Cape Town – Adderly Street Chocolate Shop
McGill, Valerie – travels – none
McMuntry, Helen - San Francisco – Union Square Chocolates
Mimboe, Ernest – travels – none
Morsalve, Antonio – Bogota – Mercado de San Alejo
Mudaliar, Shobha – travels – none
Naea, Leialoha – Kona – Kailua Fine Goods
Nama, Mariana – travels – none
Ndongo, Tomge – Douala – Eko Market
Nkosi, Duduzile – Cape Town – Table Mountain
Nyama – Gobi Desert – Nyma's Outpost
Nyoman – Bali – Agung Shadows Market
Parodi, Yussel – Lima – Miraflores Chocolates
Pepper, Allison – San Francisco – The Watering Hole
Pickstar, Sissy – travels – none
Pilipo, Hekili – Kona – Open Air Market
Quinn, Robyn – Wellington – Harbour Market
Rabiti, Bianca – Tangiers – The Lookout
Radhe, Karolyne – Wellington – Britannia Fine Goods
Ranceros, Ariana – Lima – Cathedral of Lima
Rast, Endrit – Zurich – Zurich Chocolate Works
Ransis, Analiese – Zurich – Niederorf Chocolates
Ribar, Zlata – Las Vegas – Golden Dollar
Sa'eed, Abrahem – Baghdad – Tigris River Coffees
Sato, Daisuke – Tokyo – Tokyo Station
Sinjari, Zenab – Baghdad – Abbasids Mosque
Siqueira, Surea – travels – none
Starks, Tyson – travels – none
Talib, Rahim – travels – none
Tangye, Joseph – Toronto – Waterfront Sweets
Tangye, Zachariah – Tangiers – Moroccan Fine Coffee
Taylor, Kerry – Toronto – Wychwood Sweets
Tooma, Salwa – travels – none
Tsuneda, Reiko – Tokyo – Nakamise Market
Vanegas, Susana – Bogota – La Catederal
Waipa, Oraona – travels – none
Watanabe, Kenje – Tokyo – Imperial Palace
Yamura, Asako – Tokyo – Tokyo Tower
Zandar, Giuliana – Lima – Mercado Aurora
Zubriggen, Verena – Zurich – Main Street Market
Alphabetical Listing of Ingredients and Locations
(Products become available at locations as you need them through out the game)
Allspice: Baghdad, Bali, Bogota, Havana
Almonds: Cape Town, Douala, Havana, San Francisco, Tangiers, Zurich
Amaretto: Las Vegas, Zurich
Anise: Baghdad, Douala
Balinese Cacao: Bali at the Kintamani Plantation
Balinese Coffee: Bali at the Kintamani Plantation
Blueberries: San Francisco, Tangiers, Toronto
Butter: Bogota, Toronto, Wellington
Cacao: Bali, Bogota, Douala, Kona, Toronto
Caramel: Cape Town, Zurich
Cardamom: Baghdad, Bali, Douala
Cashews: Bogota, Cape Town, Douala, Kona, Tangiers, Toronto
Cayenne Pepper: Douala, Wellington
Cherries: Kona, Lima, San Francisco, Tangiers, Tokyo, Wellington, Zurich
Cinnamon: Baghdad, Bali, Douala, Havana, Lima, Tangiers
Cloves: Baghdad, Bali, Bogota, Tangiers, Tokyo, Zurich
Coconut Milk: Bali
Coffee Liquor: Las Vegas, San Francisco
Colombian Cacao: Bogota at the Foothills Plantation
Colombian Coffee: Bogota at the Foothills Plantation
Cream: Kona, Toronto
Cuban Coffee: Havana at the Havana Coffee Beans, Ltd.
Currants: Douala, Wellington
Dates: Gobi Desert
Doualan Cacao: Douala at the Ndawara Plantation
Espresso: Baghdad, Bali, Bogota, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Toronto, Wellington, Zurich
Ginger: Bali, Douala, Tokyo
Hazelnuts: Bogota, Cape Town, Douala, Kona, Lima, Tangiers
Honduran Cacao: Xununtunich at Cambria's Place
Honey: Havana, Kona, Lima, Toronto, Zurich
Kona Coffee: Kona at the Ka'awa Loa Plantation
Lemons: Tokyo, Zurich
Limes: Uluru
Macadamia Nuts: Bali, Douala, Wellington
Mangos: Bali, Douala, Wellington
Maple Syrup: Toronto
Milk: Baghdad, Cape Town, Kona, Las Vegas, Lima, San Francisco, Tangiers, Tokyo, Toronto, Wellington, Zurich
Mint: Baghdad, Cape Town, Douala, Havana, Kona, San Francisco, Tangiers, Tokyo, Toronto, Wellington
Moroccan Coffee: Tangiers at the Souk Market
Nutmeg: Baghdad, Tangiers
Orange Liquor: Las Vegas
Oranges: Havana, Kona, Lima, Tangiers, Tokyo
Peanuts: Douala, Cape Town
Pecans: Bogota, Lima, Kona
Peruvian Cacao: Lima at the Mercado Aurora
Pistachios: Baghdad, San Francisco, Wellington
Pumpkins: Bogota, Tokyo, Wellington
Raspberries: Cape Town, San Francisco, Tangiers, Toronto, Wellington
Rose Petals: Zurich
Saffron: Baghdad, Bogota, Tangiers
Sea Salt: Bali, Tokyo, Wellington
Sesame Seeds: Tangiers
Strawberries: Las Vegas, Wellington
Sugar: Every port: Baghdad, Bali, Bogota, Cape Town, Douala, Gobi Desert, Havana, Kona, Las Vegas, Lima, San Francisco, Tangiers, Tokyo, Toronto, Uluru, Wellington, Xununtunich
Tea: Havana, Tokyo
Truffle Powder: Bali, Bogota, Douala, Havana, Kona, Lima
Vanilla: Douala, Kona, Wellington
Wasabi: Tokyo
Whipped Cream: Cape Town
Whiskey: Las Vegas, Toronto, Wellington, Zurich

: (Recipe/Acquired by/Port/Location/Task)
Chocolate Bars: All recipes are given at the beginning of the game.
Your Creations: Recipes created by you in the Secret Test Kitchen in Reykjavik.
Coffees (in alphabetical order):
Arabian Bold: Given by Zachariah Tangye in Tangiers at Moroccan Fine Coffees for 40 cases of Arabian Bold.
Breakfast Blend: Given by Santoso Devi in Bali at the Kintamani Plantation for 10 cases each of 2 of 'Your Creations'.
Café con Leche: Given by Shobha Mudaliar, no specific location as she travels, for 24 cases of Café con Leche.
Coffee w/Amaretto: Given by Santoso Devi in Bali at the Kintamani Plantation for 10 cases each of 2 of 'Your Creations'.
Coffee w/Mint: Given by Zachariah Tangye in Tangiers at Moroccan Fine Coffee for delivery of 40 Arabian Bold.
Coffee w/Nutmeg: Given by Lolita de Guines in Havana at the Hotel de Cuba for 15 cases of Coffee w/Nutmeg.
Coffee w/Whipped Cream: Given by Agostina Calvino, no specific location as she travels for delivering 28 cases of Coffee w/Whipped Cream to Nino Bragger in Zurich at the Swiss National Bank.
Coffee with Cinnamon: Given by Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port for preorder of 60 Caramel Bars given to Magdalene Gelder.
Cup A Joe: Given by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing just by visiting him.
Irish Coffee: Given by Lolita de Guines in Havana at the Hotel de Cuba for 15 Coffees w/Nutmeg and 15 Coffees w/whipped cream.
Mocha: Given by Florian Amiel in Zurich at the University of Zurich for 20 Cup A Joes.
Special Blend: Given by Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port for 34 Special Reserve 66% African Cacao Bars.

Infusions: (alphabetical order)

Blended Cacao Infusions: Given by Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port for 40 Mango Clove Infusions.
Dark Columbian Cacao Lime Infusions: Given by Susana Vanegas in Bogota at La Catederal for 25 cases of one of 'Your Creations'.
Dark Infusions w/Cherry: Given by Asako Yomura in Tokyo at Tokyo Tower for 45 Cinnamon Coffees and 45 Chocolate Bars w/Raspberry.
Dark Infusions w/Ginger: Given by Rahim Talib, no specific location (travels), for 26 Blueberry Infusions.
Mango Clove Infusions: Given by Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port for 40 cases of Mango Clove Infusions.
Milk Chocolate Allspice Infusions: Given by Yoshi Kawai in Tokyo at Nakamitsu Fine Chocolates for 50 Milk Chocolate Allspice Infusions.
Milk Infusions w/Blueberry: Given by Asako Yomura in Tokyo at Tokyo Tower for 45 Cinnamon Coffees and 45 Chocolate Bars w/Raspberry.
Pecan Infusions: Given by Dieter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries when you visit him.
Specialty Cacao Macadamia Infusions: Given by Susana Vanegas in Bogota at La Catederal for 45 Colombian Lime Infusions.
Spicy Dark Infusions: Given by Surea Siqueira in, no specific location (travels), for 75 cases of Spicy Dark Infusions.
Strawberry Anise Infusions: Given by Yuriko Haneda, no specific location (travels), for 100 Strawberries.
Vanilla Cinnamon Infusions: Given by Daisuke Sato in Tokyo at Tokyo Station for delivery of 50 Milk Allspice Infusions.
Truffles: (alphabetical order)
Blended Varietal Dark Truffles: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections after collecting 11 Truffle recipes.
Blended Varietal Pumpkin Truffles: Given by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets for 1 Hazelnut Milk Truffles.
Cameroonian Truffles w/Saffron: Given by Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confections for 1 Lemon Raspberry Truffle.
Hazelnut Milk Truffles: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections for 1 White Truffle.
Honey Milk Truffles: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections for 1 White Truffle.
Lemon Raspberry Truffles: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections for 1 White Truffle.
Peruvian Cardamom Nutmeg Truffles: Given by Alex Fletcher, no specific location (travels), for 1 Spicy Currant Truffle.
Sesame Ginger Columbian Truffles: Given by Deiter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries for 1 Wasabi Cashew Truffle.
Specialty Espresso Truffles: Given by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing for 1 Honey Milk Truffles.
Spicy Currant Truffles: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections for 1 White Truffle.
Wasabi Cashew Truffles: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections for 1 White Truffle.
White Truffles: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections just for visiting.
Coffee Blends: (alphabetical order)
Café Caribe: Given by Agostina Calvino, no specific location (travels), when you're asked 'feeling lucky today'; answer yes.
Caramel Latte: Given by Abrahem Sa'eed in Baghdad at Tigris River Coffees for 50 Coffee w/Amaretto and 50 Pumpkin Latte.
Coconut Milk Coffee: Given by Motochika Haneda, no specific location (travels), for 35 each of 2 of your creations.
Coffee Grog: Given by Zenab Sinjari in Baghdad at Abbasids Mosque for 200 Caramel Latte.
Hazelnut Infused Coffee: Given by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets for 20 cases of Hazelnut Infused Coffee for Felix Baumeister.
Mediterranean Coffee: Given by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections for 25 cases of Mediterranean Coffee and 65 Sesame Ginger Colombian Cacao Truffles.
Mexican Coffee: Given by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets for 11 Coffee Blend Recipes and $3,000,000.
Pumpkin Pie Latte: Given by Motochika Haneda, no specific location (travels), for 50 Pumpkin Latte and 50 Coffee w/Amaretto to Abrahem Sa'eed in Baghdad at Tigris River Coffees.
Spicy Blend: Given by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing for 20 Super Buzz, 20 Super Mocha Blend and 20 Hazelnut Infused Coffee Blend.
Super Buzz: Given by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets for 1 Super Buzz order to Whitney Baumeister.
Super Mocha Blend: Given by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets for 20 cases of Super Mocha Blend to Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing.
Winter Warmer: Given by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing for 20 Super Buzz, 20 Super Mocha Blend and 20 Hazelnut Infused Coffee Blend.
Exotics: (alphabetical order)
Salted Dark Caramels: Given by Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confections for 1 Super Buzz from Joseph Tangye.
Dark Dates w/Almonds: Given by Keylla Astango in Lima at Plaza Mayor for 50 Lemon Lime Stars.
Lemon Lime Stars: Given by Keylla Astango in Lima at Plaza Mayor for 60 Wasabi Cashew Truffles.
Chocolate Covered Rose Petals: Given by Motochika Haneda, no specific location (travels), for 35 cases each of your own creations.
Chocolate Covered Salted Pistachios: Given by Henri Makongue in Douala at Ndawara Plantation for 78 Mint and Whiskey Liqueurs.
Dark Honey Butter Crunch: Given by Susan Vanegas in Bogota at La Catederal for 12 Orange Pecan Stars and 12 Strawberry Anise Infusions.
Mint and Whiskey Liqueurs: Given by Claudia Elquez, in Las Vegas at Stan's Market for $25,000.
Sweet Chai Chocolate Stars: Given by Mariama Nana, no specific location (travels), for 50 Dark Dates w/Almonds.
Peanut Butter Stars: Given by Henri Makongue in Douala at Ndawara Plantation for 78 Mint and Whiskey Liqueurs.
Orange Pecan Stars: Given by Pedro Barreda in Bogota in the Andes Mountains for 25 Mediterranean Coffee and 65 Sesame Ginger Colombian Truffles.
Finest Chocolate Covered Strawberries: Given by Susana Vanegas in Bogota at La Catederal for 12 Orange Pecan Stars and 12 Strawberry Anise Infusions.
Blended Deep Chocolate w/Cashews: Given by Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confections, LTD. for 11 Exotics recipes.


(Quests are not entirely linear and don't have to be accomplished in an exact order and you will probably have several quests simultaneously, however they do build upon each other.)
Special notes regarding Quests:
• The factories are in Zurich, Capetown, Tokyo, San Francisco, Toronto, & Wellington.
• The shops available for purchase are in Tangiers, Kona, Douala, Havana and Baghdad. The quest/s requirements to purchase these shops are pricey.
• The Moroccan Fine Coffee shop in Tangiers will purchase coffee products only.
• The Port Xunantunich doesn't become available until the game is almost completed and you own 5 shops and have endorsement from all the board members. The game can be completed without using or buying Honduran Cacao! No quest requires any recipes that use Honduran Cacao...if you believe it's required're probably looking at the recipe for Blended Varietal Dark Truffles It is the Blended Varietal Pumpkin Truffles that are required which have vertical brown and orange stripes. They are the first truffles on the left of the bottom row. There are recipes that use Honduran Cacao; however they are not required to complete the game.
'Your Creations' are recipes approved in the Secret Kitchen and in your recipe book. You need to fill all 12 slots to complete the game.
• Meeting Endrit Rast: Request by Alex Fletcher; see Endrit Rast in Zurich at Zurich Chocolate Works and make 5 basic bars.
• Selling Chocolates: Request by Alex Fletcher. See Analiese Ransis at Niedorf Chocolates in Zurich and sell basic bars.
• Restocking Ingredients: Request by Analiese Ransis in Zurich at Niedorf Chocolates. Speak to Alex Fletcher per Analiese Ransis; receive $5,000 and receive the sugar first quest.
• Sugar First: Request by Alex Fletcher. Talk to Verena Zubriggen at Main Street Market in Zurich
• Plenty of Sugar: Request by Alex Fletcher. Purchase enough sugar to have 200 sugars in inventory. Travel to Douala to purchase Cacao at Eko Market.
• Douala for Cacao/Cacao for Sale/Back to Alex: Request by Analiese Ransis in Zurich at Niedorf Chocolates. Purchase enough Cacao from Tomge Ndongo at Eko Market in Douala to have a minimum of 200 in inventory. Speak to Alex Fletcher in Zurich.
• Proving Yourself: Request by Alex Fletcher. Have $10,000 and make 1 case of Chocolate Caramel Bars to receive the promotion to CEO Candidate; receive 'You are Ready' quest.
• A New Recipe/Milk Chocolate: Request by Alex Fletcher. Talk to Verena Zubriggen in Zurich at Main Street Market and purchase milk for Milk Chocolate Bars. Make a minimum of 10 Milk Chocolate Bars.
• Bartering with Milk Chocolate: Request by Endrit Rast in Zurich at Zurich Chocolate Works. Take 10 Milk Chocolate Bars to Liridona Gygax in Zurich at St. Peterskirche. Receive $3,000 and 200 caramel sacks.
• Caramel Bars/Recycling: Request by Liridona Gygax in Zurich at St. Peterskirche. Make Caramel Bars and other bars of your choice; sell chocolates to make $10,000; return to Alex Fletcher in Zurich.
• You are Ready: Request by Alex Fletcher. Talk with Felix Baumeister at Cape Town Manufacturing, LTD in Cape Town Amiel at the. Purchase peanuts.
• Peanuts, At Last/More Chocolate Bars with Peanuts: Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing. Take 20 Chocolate Bars with Peanuts to Florian Amiel at the University of Zurich in Zurich. Take 30 Chocolate Bars with Peanuts to Duduzile Nikosi in Cape Town at Table Mountain.
• An Order for Chocolate Bars with Almonds: Request by Liridona Gygax in Zurich at St. Peterskirche. Take 15 Chocolate Bars with Almonds to Liridona Gygax in Zurich at St. Peterskirche and receive $12,000. Purchase Mint.
• Too Much Sugar: Request by Gavin Hotz in Cape Town at Victoria and Albert Waterfront Market. Take 18 Mint Bars to Gavin Hotz in Cape Town at Victoria and Albert Waterfront Market and receive 1,000 sugars.
• Some Exciting News: Request by Nino Bragger in Zurich at Swiss National Bank. Talk to Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing to receive access to the Secret Test Kitchen in Reykjavik.
• Pre-Paid Order: Request by Florian Amiel in Zurich at the University of Zurich. Take 32 Chocolate Lemon Bars to Ursel Hlasek in Zurich at the Matterhorn to receive $20,000.
• Getting Creative: Request by Teddy Baumeister in Reykjavk at the Secret Test Kitchen. Take a variety of ingredients and talk with Teddy Baumeister at the Secret Test Kitchen in Reykjavik. Make your first creation.
• Marketing Your First Creation: Request by Rick Lafontaine (travels). Take 10 of your First Creation to Niederdorf Chocolates in Zurich to receive $10,000.
• A Craving for Chocolate Bars with Lemon (optional): Request by Nino Bragger in Zurich at Swiss National Bank. Take 20 Chocolate Bars w/Lemon to Nino Bragger in Zurich at the Swiss National Bank and receive $15,000.
• A Friendly Gesture (optional): Request by Ursel Hlasek in Zurich at the Matterhorn. Take 11 Chocolate Bars w/Orange to Florian Amiel in Zurich at the University of Zurich.
• Simple Tastes (optional): Request by Anselm Donders in Zurich at Banhof. Take 40 Basic Chocolate Bars to Anselm Donders in Zurich at Bahnhof to receive $5,000.
• Varietal Cacao: Request by Guy Etame in Douala at Ndawara Plantation.Take 25 Special Reserve Cacao Bars to Guy Etame in Douala at Capital Sweets to receive $40,000 and to receive access to purchase Doualan Cacao.
• Coffee Beans/Coffee Beans Part 2/Back to Felix: Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing LTD. See Hekili Pilipo in Kona at the Open Air Market and purchase Kona Coffee Beans, cream and sugar. Return to Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing and make coffee.
• Making Cup A Joe: Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing LTD. Take 20 Cup a Joe to Florian Amiel in Zurich at the University of Zurich and receive the recipe for Mocha.
• Ticket to Morocco: Request by Agostina Calvino (travels). Have 10 Chocolate Hazelnut Bars in inventory for Agostina Calvino to receive $5,000 and access to Tangiers.
• Alex in Australia: Request by Rick Lafontaine (travels). Talk with Alex Fletcher in Uluru and receive another space in the Recipe Book for 'Your Creations'.
• Orange Bars for Morocco: Request by Agostina Calvino (travels). Take 12 Orange Bars to Jilali Abillou in Tangiers at the Hotel Tangiers and receive $15,000.
• Heikili's Coffee (optional): Request by Heikili Pilipo in Kona at the Open Air Market. Take 75 Cup A Joes and 75 Mocha to Hekili Pilipo in Kona at the Open Air Market and receive $25,000.
• The Endorsement of Felix: Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing. Make 5 different coffees, take ownership of 1 shop and return to Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing and receive an endorsement from Felix to become CEO.
• An Order for Mocha (optional): Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing. Take 75 Mocha to Florian Amiel in Zurich at the University of Zurich and receive $50,000.
• Pre-Order for Arabian Bold: Request by Zachariah Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Take 40 Arabian Bold to Zachariah Tangy in Tangiers at Moroccan Fine Coffee and receive the recipe for Coffee w/Mint and $10,000.
• Working with Zachariah: Request by Zachariah Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Take 100 Special Reserve Cacao Bars to Zachariah Tangye in Tangiers at Moroccan Fine Coffee shop to receive the Partnering with Zachariah Quest.
• Café con Leche for Shobha/Havana de Cuba!: Requests by Cheena Famosa in Havana at Havana Coffee Beans and Shobha Mudaliar (travels) Buy Cuban Coffee Beans from Cheena Famosa in Havana at Havana Coffee Beans LTD to receive Café con Leche recipe. Have 24 Café con Leche in inventory for Shobha Mudaliar and receive passage to Cuba.
• Opening the Machines (can delay quest indefinitely): Request by Condela Llynas in Havana at Casino National. Take 35 of your creations to Condela Llinas in Havana at the Casino National to receive access to the Casino National and play mini-games.
• Trade for a Coffee Recipe: Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing LTD. Take 34 Special Reserve Cacao Bars to Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port to receive the recipe for Special Blend.
• Partnering with Zachariah: Request by Zachariah Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Take 100 Mochas and 100 of you second creations (or another coffee) to Zachariah Tangye in Tangiers at Moroccan Fine Coffee to receive ownership of Moroccan Fine Coffee.
• A Message from Alex: Request by Rick Lafontaine (travels). See Alex Fletcher at the Hotel de Cuba to receive access to Bali.
• The New Ingredient: Request by Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port. Take 2 cases of Chocolate Raspberry Bars to Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port to receive access to raspberries.
• Coffee for Hotel Tangiers (optional): Request by Jilai Abilou in Tangiers at Hotel Tangiers. Take 65 Cup A Joes, 65 Mocha, 65 Arabian Bold to Jilali Abilou in Tangiers at Hotel Tangiers and receive $80,000.
• Using Whipped Cream: Request by Agostina Calvino (travels). Take 28 Coffee w/Whipped Cream to Nino Bragger in Zurich at the Swiss National Bank and receive access to Nutmeg and $45,000.
• Meeting Deiter: Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing LTD. Talk to Deiter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries and receive the recipe for Pecan Infusions.
• Kintamani Plantation: Request by Santo Devi Bali at Kintamani Plantation.Take 10 cases each of 2 of 'Your Creations' to Santoso Devi in Bali at Kintamani Plantation and receive recipes for Breakfast Blend and Coffee w/Amaretto. You will also receive access to Balinese Cacao and Balinese Coffee Beans.
• A New Spice: Request by Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port. Take 60 Chocolate Caramel Bars to Magdalene Gelder in Tangiers at Souk Market and receive 20 Cinnamon and Recipe for Coffee w/Cinnamon.
• Back to Kailua Fine Goods/Hawaiian Outlet: Requests by Zachariah Tangye in Tangiers at Moroccan Fine Coffees and Leialoha Naea in on Kona at Kailua Fine Goods. Take 120 of 'Your Creations' to Zachariah Tangye in Tangiers at Moroccan Fine Coffee, then take a trip to Leialoha Naea in Kona at Kailua Fine Goods and receive a quest.
• Deiter's Endorsement: Request by Deiter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries. Learn 9 Infusion recipes and own a second shop, the talk to Deiter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries and receive endorsement from Deiter to become CEO.
• Very Curious: Request by Deiter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries. Take 32 Pecan Infusions to Bianca Rabiti in Tangiers at the Lookout and receive $20,000.
• Infusions Exchange: Request by Yoshi Kawai in Tokyo at Nakamitsu Fine Coffees and Sweets. Take 50 Milk Chocolate Infusions to Daisuke Sato in Tokyo at Tokyo Station and receive recipe for Vanilla Cinnamon Infusions and access to Vanilla.
• Spicy Dark Chocolate Infusions: Request by Surea Siqueira (travels). Have 75 Spicy Dark Infusions in inventory for Surea Siqueira and receive 100 Cayenne Peppers, 100 Anise.
• Cacao in Tokyo? (Optional, can be rejected but not postponed): Request by Diasuke Sato in Tokyo at Tokyo Station. Take 31 Vanilla Cinnamon Infusions to Reiko Tsuneda in Tokyo at Nakamise Market and receive 10,000 Cacao.
• An Order for Coffee w/Amaretto (optional): Request by Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing LTD. Take 80 Coffee w/Amaretto Rufus Loddington in Cape Town within 5 months to receive 160 Amaretto and $50,000.
• A Glut of Cuban Coffee (optional): Request by Cheena Famosa in Havana at Havana Coffee Beans LTD. Take 75 Special Blend to Cheena Famosa in Havana at Havana Coffee Beans LTD to receive 5,000 Cuban Coffee Beans.
• A Favor for Leialoha/Back to Kailua Fine Goods Again: Requests by Leialoha Naea in Kona at Kailua Fine Goods and Kalei Kamlaninui in Kona at Ka'awa Loa Plantation. Take 60 Cup A Joe & 60 Mocha to Kalei Kamlaninui in Kona at Ka'awa Loa Plantation in Kona, then see Leialoha Naea in Kona at Kailua Fine Goods.
• Owning Kailua Fine Goods: Request by Leialoha Naea in Kona at Kailua Fine Goods. Take 50 Honey Bars, 50 Arabian Bold, and 50 of 'Your Creations' to Leialoha Naea in Kona at Kailua Fine Goods to receive ownership of Kailua Fine Goods.
• Honey Exchange: Request by Bianca Rabiti in Tangiers at the Lookout. Give 25 Honey Bars to Bianca Rabiti in Tangiers at the Lookout and receive 100 Honey.
• Gambling, Anyone: Request by Yuriko Haneda (travels). Have 100 strawberries in inventory for Yuriko Haneda to receive access to Las Vegas and the recipe for Strawberry Anise Infusions.
• Off to Bogota: Request by Kenje Watanabe in Tokyo at Imperial Palace. Talk with Susana Vanegas in Bogota at La Catederal to have access to Bogota.
• Dark Colombian Cacao Lime Infusions: Request by Susana Vanegas in Bogotá at La Catederal. Take 25 of 'Your Creations' to Susana Vanegas in Bogota at La Catederal and receive recipe for Colombian Lime Infusions.
• A Second Recipe from Susana: Request by Susana Vanegas in Bogotá at La Catederal. Take 45 Colombian Lime Infusions to Susana Vanegas in Bogota at La Catederal and receive the recipe for Specialty Macadamia Infusions.
• Sweet and Spicy: Request by Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port. Take 40 Mango Clove Infusions to Ilan Layani in Tangiers at Gibraltar Port and receive recipes for Mango Clove Infusions and Blended Cacao Infusions.
• A Couple Cuban Coffee Recipes: Request by Lolita de Guines in Havana at Hotel de Cuba. Take 15 Coffee w/Nutmeg and 15 Coffee w/Whipped Cream to Lolita de Guines in Havana at Hotel de Cuba and receive recipes for Coffee w/Nutmeg and Irish Coffee.
• Fruity Infusions: Request by Deiter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries. Give 45 Cherry Infusions and 45 Chocolate Raspberry Bars to Asako Yamura in Tokyo at Tokyo Tower.
• Making Evangeline's Acquaintance: Request by Deiter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries. Talk to Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at San Francisco Chocolate Makers and receive Evangeline's endorsement and Truffles fro the Board Quests.
• An Order for Fruity Infusions: Request by Asako Yamura in Tokyo at Tokyo Tower. Take 45 Cherry Infusions and 45 Blueberry Infusions to Asako Yamura in Tokyo at Tokyo Tower and receive $100,000.
• Strange Place for Cacao (optional): Request by Pamela Harrington (travels). Take 100 Irish Coffees to Kowaki in Uluru and receive 7,500 Cacao.
• Earning Evangeline's Endorsement: Request by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections. Make 12 Truffle recipes and take ownership of the third shop, then return to Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections and receive Endorsement from Evangeline to become CEO.
• Truffles Introduction: Request by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections. Give 1 White Truffle to Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections and receive recipes for Spicy Currant Truffles, Lemon Raspberry Truffles, Wasabi Cashew Truffles, Hazelnut Milk Truffles, and Honey Milk Truffles along with access to Toronto and Wellington.
• Truffles for the Board: Request by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections. Take a case of truffles to each of the Board Members and collect 11 Truffle recipes, then return to Evangeline.

1. Give Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets the Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Truffles and receive the recipe for Blended Varietal Cacao Pumpkin Truffles.
2. Give Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing, LTD the Honey Milk Chocolate Truffles and receive the recipe for Specialty Cacao Espresso Truffles.
3. Give Dieter Baumeister in Tokyo at Honmei Industries the Wasabi Cashew Truffles and you will receive the recipe for Sesame Ginger Colombian Cacao Truffles.
4. Give Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confectioners, LTD the Lemon Raspberry Truffles and receive the recipe fro Cameroonian Dark Truffles with Saffron.
5. Give Alex Fletcher in San Francisco the Spicy Currant Truffles and receive the recipe for Peruvian Cacao Cardamom and Nutmeg Truffles.
• Milk Chocolate Infusions w/Blueberry: Request by Rahim Talib (travels). Have 26 Blueberry Infusions in inventory for Rahim Talib in 8 weeks and receive the recipe for Dark Ginger Infusions.
• Cuban Retail: Request by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections. Take 100 Cameroonian Truffles w/Saffron, 100 Blended Pumpkin Truffles, 100 Peruvian Cardamom Nutmeg Truffles, and 100 of 'Your Creations' to Armena Carababalla in Havana at Vedado Chocolates and Coffees to receive ownership of Vedado Chocolates and Coffee along with $100,000.
• Large Coffee Order (optional, can be rejected but not postponed): Request by Kefilwe Matibula in Cape Town at Adderly Street Chocolate Shop. Take 70 Irish Coffee, 70 Café con Leche and 70 Special Blend to Duduzile Nkosi in Cape Town at Table Mountain and receive $100,000.
• An Invitation from Joseph Tangye: Request by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Talk to Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets and receive the Endorsement Quests from Whitney Baumeister and Joseph Tangye.
• The Endorsements of Joseph: Request by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Have/make 11 Coffee Blend recipes and $3,000,000 then return to Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets and receive the CEO endorsement from Joseph Tangye along with the recipe for Mexican Coffee.
• From Joseph to Whitney: Request by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Take 1 Super Buzz Coffee to Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confectioners, LTD to gain access to the Wellington Factory and Exotic Confections.
• Endorsement by Whitney: Request by Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confectioners, LTD. Have/make 11 Exotic Recipes and 7 of 'Your Creations' then take then to Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confectioners, LTD and receive the endorsement from Whitney Baumeister to become CEO.
• From Whitney to Joseph: Request by Whitney Baumeister in Wellington at New Zealand Confectioners, LTD. Take 1 Salted Dark Caramels to Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets and receive the recipe for Salted Caramels.
• A Special Order: Request by Motochika Haneda (travels). Have 35 each of 2 of 'Your Creations' in inventory for Motochika Haneda to receive recipes for Candied Rose Petals and Coconut Milk Coffee Blend.
• A Lead on Exotics: Request by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Take 60 Wasabi Cashew Truffles to Keylla Astengo in Lima at Plaza Mayor and receive the recipes for Lemon Lime Stars and Dark Dates w/Almonds..
• A Pair of Exotics Recipes: Request by Keylla Astengo in Lima at Plaza Mayor. Take 50 Lemon Lime Stars to Keylla Astengo in Lima at Plaza Mayor and receive recipes for Lemon Lime Stars and Dark Dates w/Almonds.
• A Recipe for Sale: Request by Claudia Elquez in Las Vegas at Stan's Market. Take 78 Mint and Whiskey Liqueurs to Henri Makongue in Douala at Capital Sweets and $25,000 to Claudia Elquez in Las Vegas at Stan's Market and receive the recipes for Mint and Whiskey Liqueurs, Salted Pistachios and Peanut Butter Stars.
• Coffee Among Brothers: Request by Joseph Tangye in Toronto at Waterfront Sweets. Take 20 Super Mocha Blend, 20 Hazelnut Infused Coffee Blend and 20 Super Buzz to Felix Baumeister in Cape Town at Cape Town Manufacturing, LTD and receive recipes for Super Mocha Blend, Spicy Blend, Winter Warmer and Hazelnut Infused Coffee.
• Sandy Adventure: Request by Mariana Nana (travels). Take 50 Dark Chocolate Dates with Almonds to Mariana Nama in Lima and receive access to the Gobi Desert and the recipe for Sweet Chai Stars.
• Business in Iraq: Request by Motochika Haneda (travels). Take 50 Coffee w/Amaretto and 50 Pumpkin Latte to Abrahem Sa'eed in Baghdad at Tigris River Coffees and receive recipe for Caramel Latte and Pumpkin Latte.
• An Iraqi Shop: Request by Abrahem Sa'eed in Baghdad at Tigris River Coffees. Take 200 Caramel Latte to Zenab Sinjari in Baghdad at Abbasids Mosque and receive the recipes for Coffee Grog and the quest for the Iraqi Shop
• An Offer for Capital Sweets: Request by Henri Makongue in Douala at Capital Sweets. Take 100 of 'Your Creations', 100 Peanut Butter Stars and 100 Irish Coffee to Henri Makongue in Douala at Capital Sweets and receive ownership of Capital Sweets.
• Your Lucky Day (when asked do you feel lucky select yes): Request by Agostina Calvino (travels). Receive recipe for Café Caribe.
• Your Iraqi Shop: Request by Zenab Sinjari in Baghdad at Tigris River Coffees. Request by Take 200 Coffee Grog and 50 each of 'Your Creations' to Abrahem in Baghdad at Tigris River Coffees and receive ownership of shop.
• Columbian Treats: Request by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections. Take 65 Sesame Ginger Colombian Truffles and 25 Mediterranean Coffees to Pedro Barreda in Bogota at the Andes Mountains and receive recipe for Orange Pecan Stars and access to Sesame Seeds.
• More Recipes in Colombia: Request by Pedro Barreda in Bogotá at the Andes Mountains. Take 12 Orange Pecan Stars and 12 Strawberry Anise Infusions to Susan Vanegas in Bogotá at La Catederal and receive recipes for World's Finest Chocolate Strawberries and Dark Honey Butter Crunch.
• The Double Cross: Request by Alex Fletcher (travels). Take 25 of each Blended Deep Chocolate w/Cashews, Café Caribe, Specialty Espresso Truffles, Blended Dark Infusions, Breakfast Blend and Special Reserve Bars to receive access to Xunantunich.
• Sean's Rescue: Request by Cambria Equivel in Xunantunich at Cambria's Place. Take $1,000,000 to Cambria Equivel in Xunantunich at Cambria's Place and receive the quest in 3 months that Sean is alive.
• Sean is Alive: Request by Agostina Calvino (travels). Talk to Cambria Equivel in Xunantunich at Cambria's Place and rescue Sean Fletcher.
• Highest Honors Part 1: Request by Alex Fletcher (travels). Create a new recipe and take the first 6 of 'Your Creations' to Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections and receive the last quest.
• Highest Honors Part 2: Request by Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections. Take 200 each of the last 6 of 'Your Creations' to Evangeline Baumeister in San Francisco at Baumeister Confections...WAIT 1'll be awarded Master Chocolatier and $10,000, more if you want.

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Likes/Favs are appreciated;) Playing Chocolatier Decadence by Design Learning the basics and such Neonchickens Channel: Chocolate (Korean: 초콜릿; RR: Chokollit) is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Yoon Kye-sang, Ha Ji-won, Jang Seung-jo, Teo Yoo and Min Jin-woong. Produced by JYP Pictures, it aired on JTBC from November 29, 2019 to January 18, 2020. The history of chocolate can be traced to the ancient Mayans, and even earlier to the ancient Olmecs of southern Mexico. The word chocolate may conjure up. Happy throwback Thursday from 2016! Hang out with Fluffy on the web: Website: Facebook: Twitt. Chocolat (Hangul: 쇼콜라, Syokolla), commonly stylized as ChoColat, was a South Korean girl group created by Paramount Music in 2011. The group's name stems from the idea that each member is reminiscent of a different type of chocolate.The name of the group was initially going to be 'Chocolate', but there was already a group with that name, so Paramount Music decided to use the French word.